
Writing 100 Articles In 100 Days

Having just finished writing 100 article in 100 days, I decided to do it again. When I asked my proofreader whether he would be willing to read some more articles he took a deep breath. Luckily he is also my husband.
Here are some of the things that I want to do better, what I have learnt from the last challenge and what I want to achieve:
1. Write continuously: Last time my challenge was challenged by 4 weeks of overseas holidays, 3 weeks of guests staying at our house and an operation. In the coming 100 days challenge I have already planned a 2 week holiday but my intention is to still write continuously, whether I’m at home or away.
2. Learn more: I want to write a few articles on topics where I want to learn more about something specific. Writing about will allow me to dig my heels into a topic and shine a light onto it from different angles. One of those topics will be Meta Coaching.
3. Write book reviews: I love book reviews. Not always do I have time to read all the books I want to read so reading book reviews from other people gives me at least a bit of insight, when I haven’t yet read the whole book.
4. Write more than 100 articles: Last time my personal goal was to write 120 articles, which I didn’t make. Without going into any justifications I would love to write more than just the 100 – I wonder what my proofreader will say when reading this?
5. Have a title brain storming notepad: My life, my clients, my friends, family and my experiences give me plenty of good suggestions to write about. I want to capture these ideas in a notepad so I can write something anytime, even if I have a moment of blankness.
6. Use my articles for blog entries regularly: Last time I was busy enough writing that I totally neglected my blog. This time I want to do both. Maybe I could try out the WordPress integration.
7. Ask people for title suggestions: This will teach me to write about a topic even though I might not have chosen it. I have already found that by continuously writing things start to flow, without having to brew over every word and sentence. I aim to practice this even more.
8. Encourage comments: I don’t know yet how to achieve this but my aim would be to get at least 20 comments for my articles. Any suggestion from you my reader?
9. Stop nagging my proofreader: I want to learn to trust that he will read my articles in time and practice patience. That’s a big goal for me.
10. Finish before the deadline: I want to go past the 100 articles mark well before the deadline so that any additional articles are bonuses which will make me feel really excited about what I will have achieved.
So I’m going to start in January 2013 and will finish in April, let’s see how I am going but in any case, I am looking forward to it! I have noticed that setting myself a goal encourages me to write more and more often.

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