
Revitalize Your Web Copy To Make More Sales

Do you have everything in place to bring in traffic, but your visitors leave almost as soon as they get to your site? The key may be that you need to revitalize your web copy to entice visitors to hang around.
What I mean, is that you need to get personal and energized. Don’t sound like a text book..Instead, sound like a person who’s excited about the product or topic.
Write with a friendly tone – as though you were talking to your next-door neighbor. Use “you” and “your” frequently.
Here’s how to set the stage to revitalize your web copy:
Visualize Your Ideal Customer
If you know who your customer is, great. If you don’t, do some research – this is really important if you plan on being profitable.
Visualize exactly who s/he is. Young, old, male, female. What type of language does s/he use? What problem does s/he have? In other words get into her head. When you do this you’ll also know what her problem is and what you can do to solve it!
Change From Passive to Active
Writing or speaking in a passive tone lacks passion, and you want to be passionate about your products or services. If you’re simply making statements of fact without any enthusiasm, how will you get your customer psyched to make a purchase?
Action generates more action. An active voice portrays animation, belief, and excitement. You want your customers to believe and to get excited about what you have to offer so you’re going to have to do it first!
Use Emotions and Opinions
Remember, you are “talking” to your customer. Let them know how you feel. Express your opinion, relate a story of how the product helped you or someone else.
Get Your Prospective Customer Involved
Make her feel as though s/he were a part of the conversation. Make suggestions, ask questions – make her think, make her react!
Be informal
Use contractions as you would in natural conversation. Rather than saying “I would”, use “I’d”, instead of “do not”, use “don’t”. Well, you get the idea.
Edit, Edit, Edit
Always make sure you’re web copy is grammatically correct, you’re spelling is correct and take out all the useless words. Extra words can make your copy confusing and leave the customer with the feeling that you are not professional. Being friendly is not the same as being unprofessional!
Take a few moments and read your copy out loud. It really helps to point out those words that are not needed.
Make a Call To Action
Now that you’ve got your customer all warmed up and excited about your product or service, ask for the sale or whatever action you wish your customer to take.
This is your goal, so don’t be shy!
In summation, remember we all communicate differently, we all shop differently. You’re most important task is to know who you are communicating with. When you know that fact, all the rest will follow.

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