One of the most important assets that one can have as an internet marketer is to be able to write good ad copy. Having good ad copy on your sites can be the difference between you getting 1 sale a month and making 1000 sales a month. The great thing about writing killer copy is that it is skilled that can be learned. There are many great courses out there that can help you but for now I am going to keep it very simple but effective.
I am about to share with you 11 very helpful tips that you can use to help you write better copy for all of your future websites. These tips are fairly easy to implement and can bring you results rather quickly if used.
Here are the tips in no particular order:
1. You should always make it a point to really concentrate on the needs and wants of your sites readers. Put yourself in the shoes of your potential readers.
2. Make the first line on your site appealing. This may or may not what keeps people on your site so think carefully about the first things you want people to see on your site.
3. Whenever you write, write as if you are talking to someone you know. This makes it easier for people to relate to and creates a sort of comfort zone.
4. If you are selling something on your site you will want to focus on the benefits of what it is you are selling not the features. People want to know how what you have can satisfy them and their needs.
5. Give great detail when it comes to giving information on your site. People do not like to guess or even have to ask questions so take all of the guess work out for them.
6. Use a lot of action verbs in your copy. You should also try to be as conversational as you can in your writing.
7. Get to the point but be clear. Try not to ramble in your copy but make sure you get everything out that you need to.
8. Offer a guarantee. Many people do not like to do this but it really helps with sales conversions. Look at it like this. Whatever it is you are selling you should believe in it and it’s ability to satisfy your customers, so you should be happy to offer a guarantee.
9. Do not write long sentences. Long sentences can make your copy look long and boring. Try not to go over 16 words per sentence.
10. Offer some sort of incentive and an “act now” call to action at the end of your copy.
11. Have someone proof read you web copy. Sometimes someone else can notice things that you didn’t.
Use these tips in your web copy and notice the great results that you will get. All you need to do is apply them.
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