SEO Tools for On Page Optimization

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  • April 29, 2009

Although the importance of content as a ranking factor has been devalued by Google because of too much abuse by the webmasters and SEOs content optimization is still an important part of website optimization. And just like most of the SEO tasks out there content optimization can be done much more efficiently when you have special SEO tools at hand.

The thing is that there’s no universal rule on how to properly optimize your content. There are only general guidelines to follow such as you need to employ your targeted keywords in the most prominent elements of your web page: the title, h1-h6 tags, meta keywords, meta descriptions, etc. But when it comes to more specific questions such as how many times you should use your keywords or what the optimal word count is, you have to find the answers for every web page, every niche and every search engines you’re optimizing for.

There are two ways to come up with the best onpage optimization strategy. First you can figure it out by trial and error, playing with your content, adjusting your keywords and testing how it affects your rankings. However it’s a long and risky way to go. Search engine rankings are hard to gain, even harder to hold but extremely easy to lose. That’s why it’s always better to seek some firm ground before you jump into optimizing your content. That leads us to the second method of onpage optimization.

Find out the onpage strategies that are already working for other well ranking websites from your niche. If search engines rank some websites higher we can assume that their content is optimized better than that of the sites ranked below. Since there are a lot of other factors apart from the content itself you need to research a number of websites, say the top ten ranked for a keyword and see how their content is optimized. This is a rather time-consuming task to do by hand therefore you’ll need special SEO tools to help you speed up the process.

WebSite Auditor is one of such tools specifically designed for content optimization. The tool lets you quickly analyze the content on the top 10 raked websites for your targeted keywords. Once you know how the top guys structured their content to rank high you can apply their best working practices to your own website leaving all the guesswork and testing aside. The tool lets you get the exact answers to the most important questions of content optimization helping you determine the optimal keyword density and prominence, the best working size of the copy on a webpage, ways to optimize Heading Tags, Special Text (bold, italic, etc.), Inline Text Links and so on.

Properly optimized content will help you gain a serious advantage in the search engine rankings and bring your website to the attention of thousands of search engine users.

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