Although the food we eat is relatively safe because it is protected in some part by the government, dangerous pesticides still cause a lot of damage. Some people just want to go organic to get away from the potentially dangerous chemicals. Read this article to find out about organic gardening.
When starting your organic garden, a great tip is to make sure you have the right timing when sowing your seeds. If your timing is off when planting a particular plant, you will have very disappointing results. If you make sure you have your timing correct, you will likely be pleased with your results.
You should keep your seeds damp without drowning them in water. Spray water over the soil to keep it moist, and place the pots or trays in which you have your seeds in water so that the soil can absorb the water. Make sure you replace the water in which your pots are standing regularly.
Your plants need to be fed properly as soon as they start sprouting leaves. If you did not use compost in your soil, you have to fertilize your plants. You can mix water with a liquid fish or sea weed solution and spray it on your plants, or add this mix to the water in which your trays and pots are bathing.
Believe it or not, pine makes great mulch. Some plants are highly acidic, and like soil that is acidic too. For these types of plants, pine needles are wonderful for mulching. Sprinkle the pine needles over your beds. As the needles decompose, they add to the acid level in the soil.
Marigold flowers are quite the powerhouse in an organic garden. As their flowers and leaves decay, the marigold releases chemicals that attract frogs, repel snakes and kill nematode pests that attack many vegetable plants, including tomatoes. Look for ways to let the bright yellow marigold bring brilliant color and decoration to your garden, as it goes to work to protect the health of your plants.
Water your plants during the morning to avoid having fungal growth that generally prefers moisture and darkness. By watering your plants during the day they are best able to take advantage of the sun, and utilize the suns anti-bacterial effects. Some bacteria or fungi are light sensitive, so by watering during the day you benefit the plant by reducing the growth potential of its competitors.
Know the benefits of composting. Composting is one of the best things you can do for your organic garden. Composting improves moisture levels, promotes fertility, and stimulates plant roots. You can start your own composting at home, and reduce your household waste, as well as get free food for your garden.
Whether are you attempting to go organic because you don’t want the chemicals in your life or simply because you want the freshest type of food possible, growing an organic garden is an excellent way to always have fresh produce on hand. Don’t neglect to use what you’ve learned here to grow a great garden!
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