Without using wood deck tile, renovating a wooden deck can be a lot of work with less than amazing results. When a cedar deck is initially created, finished, and stained, it looks gorgeous. You will be able to maintain the deck by stripping and re-staining it annually, so it looks every bit as good as when it was first installed. But after a period of time, even re-staining it might not give you the results you want. The wood starts to look aged and washed out and it can start to develop splinters. If ever the homeowner misses some years of upkeep, this process can progress quite a bit faster. When this happens, you may have to start replacing the top cedar slats. You may be able to keep the original deck supports but the surface area is what normally has to be replaced. Using wood deck tiles can make this process much easier and give much more gratifying results.
With this process, you take foot long wooden strips and fasten these to a hard plastic substrate. The substrate is designed with interlocking edges that hook together effortlessly for an attractive finish. The foot long strips are connected to the substrate with screws coming up from underneath. This is done with minor gaps between the slats to give a natural look, along with allowing for expansion. It also matches the gaps between each tile; as soon as the tiles are placed, there’s no easy way to tell the spot that the tiles come together.
Once you’ve installed all the wood deck tiles, you’re left with a sturdy deck which does not move. These tiles will give you the same satisfaction as you would get from changing the original slats and attaching them to the wood. On the other hand, although the structure is solid, it is not permanent. If you need to replace a tile due to damage, lifting an individual tile, separating the interconnection, and installing the new tile is simple and only takes a few minutes. This is a much easier process than trying to cut and replace the wood slats. The fantastic thing about using the wood tiles is that you may complete the whole deck within just a few hours, and you also won’t need many woodworking skills to get it done.
Although wood deck tiles can be made of cedar material and come pre-finished, an alternative that many consider superior is the use of teak wood. Special teak formulations take advantage of reused and recycled wood to produce a stunning material that saves the existing tree plantations. Also, the wood is finished without oil or stain. This also ensures that it will remain beautiful without the yearly maintenance essential to standard wood decks. It’s also naturally insect and rot resistant.
Homeowners that presently have an aging wood deck, are going to be excited to hear about the wood tile option, although homeowners of concrete decks may feel a little cheated. But wait, there’s also solutions that will make the concrete deck owners excited also. The truth is, it’s going to serve for virtually any surface that’s at least somewhat smooth. It can even be used in certain kinds of roofing. These tiles are thin, since they were meant to go over existing decks and not add a great deal of height, so they’re able to also be added to concrete decks without raising the height several inches to take into account the support beams, therefore it’s a win win for any deck owners.
If you’re considering a deck renovation, be sure to look into a wood deck tile solution for simple installation and long lasting beauty.
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