You might be convinced that going cheap on your prices may get you more clients than your competition. Contrary to this popular belief however, you might actually be at a disadvantage rather than have more benefits if you apply this principle to your marketing campaign such as your post card printing.
You’re in business because of one thing – to get profits. The reason why you get into business in the first place is to have returns from your hard-earned money that you’ve invested. So how come you’re almost giving your products away? I would reckon that you’d want the exact opposite. I would like to believe that that’s the very last thing that you would want to do.
Making the assumption that your target clients would actually buy from you because you offer cheap prices is a mistake that might even contribute to your business demise. Contrary to what you would like to believe, consumers generally think more than the price. They do buy according to their preference. When they go out and pay for something, they prefer value over price. Indeed, they give more preference to quality rather than how much they have to shell out for it. As long as your product provides a solution to a problem or an issue they have, then your product has value no matter how much your price.
Consumers do have a basic reason to buy from you – your product and service is an answer to their needs. No matter how much, they’d be willing to buy from you if it will make their lives better. This means that you need to provide them with an offer that they would be emotionally attached to. There’s nothing more effective especially in any marketing campaign such as your post card printing and print postcards than a product that gets the thumbs-up from your clients.
The key is to include emotion to your marketing campaign, be it post card printing, print postcards or even print flyers. Consumers buy based on their emotions. They may not even be logical about it, but that’s how it is with their buying preference.
The bottom line is that your customers and clients purchase your product because you have an offer that is valuable to them. They are basically attracted to your products and services because they make life easier and better for them. Your product has benefits that greatly impacts on their lives. They buy because you’re giving them a reason to.
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