
How To Write Online Articles That Make You Money

The art of writing online and making money is one that can make a lot of people question why they bothered to begin writing online and building their business in the first place, but if you spend time and make a plan, you will make money online. As a writer you will be best served by doing exactly that for your business, write articles.
Below is a list of five things you need to be aware of in terms of making money when you write online articles:
1) Writing is a business: If you do not write well, you will not make money online or anywhere else for that matter. If you write a blog and then write on Squidoo or Hubpages, but do not know the first thing about making money, you have a problem. Google AdSense is a business, and you are a business as well. The same idea hold true for your online writing.
2) Money Comes… and Money Goes: Do not wrap yourself up in the fact that three days ago you made $100 in a day, and then the last three you have made nothing. Not worrying about making money is a part of writing better online articles.
3) Knowing where your traffic comes from: Your traffic can come from many sources, and it should be the main sources you should look for are from the search engines, and from the return visitors. There are many reasons for this, but return visitors means that you have a very interesting content, and search engine traffic means two things, one, you have the potential to make money, and two there are some organic links to your articles on the search engines.
4) A plan is a plan is plan: Have a plan, and with some minor changes to your plan, you should be able to follow it for many years. The length of the plan, depending on how detailed you wants it to be and how long you want it to be for should be between two to 30 pages. This will give you a long-term plan, and allow you to focus on other information such as keywords, increasing traffic for free, and learning search engine optimization (aka SEO)
5) What you write about is as important as what you don’t write about: Sometime the best way to write is by writing what you know, whereas other times, it is more important to write what you do not know and build from there. A writer is all about the why and what of writing, but beyond that, if writing online articles becomes draining, and you spend most of your time, writing, but not writing on your other work, then you will find yourself very frustrated as a writer. Write what you know about, but also push yourself and write about what you do not know. This is a way to increase traffic in the long term as you are building your business in different areas.

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