
Financial Compensation For Writing

A writer writes. This is a very simple definition of the job duties of one who puts words on paper. The art of writing is stringing symbolic codes in a familiar language to communicate a message to one or many. The words may be placed in a note, a letter, a newspaper column, a short story, an e-book, a hard bound book, and other outlets. Yes, there is financial compensation for writing.
Contractor or freelancer
As a contractor or a freelancer you will write according to the assignments which you feel confident in starting and finishing and meeting the expectations of the employer. Once the writer has met the expectations of the writing assignment, he or she will be paid.
The working environment may be from the home office, a commercial, or a mobile location. Sometimes, all three types of environments may be used. Pen and paper may be used, typewriter, or the computer. Jobs may be available from online or from offline sources.
Types of jobs:
Articles, reports, manuals
Web content, blogging
A variety of business plans, brochures, letters, contracts
Newspapers, newsletters, e-mail, e-books, magazine column
Ads, brochures or pamphlets, public relations
Movie and television scripts, speeches
Worth of a freelancer
A freelance worker should be able to complete any assignment.
Are you a good editor? Editing is critical whether you do it yourself or another is hired to proof the work.
Does it bother you to rewrite? If it does, writing is not for you because the results of proofing and editing will involve much rewriting. It is a necessary evil in this form of art.
Do you enjoy research? Much reading and interviewing may be necessary to authenticate and reflect correct knowledge of the subject matter.
Do you think? Each writer needs to have unique content in their style of writing. There is no room for duplication, plagiarism, or any other unethical shortcut to produce a finished product.
Are you disciplined and organized, not only of your writing, but of your professional and personal habits?
Can you meet deadlines? You will need to be disciplined and organized. Working for self also includes many bosses. The bosses are your customers or clients which pay you for work well done.
Flat fee for project
Paid by the number of words, or pages
Hourly pay
Establish the financial compensation for writing.
No money payment. Minimum requirement should be your name for recognition and credit
There should be financial compensation for writing, but sometimes a non-profit organization may need your writing talents. Name recognition and credit can still be profitable for you to receive assignments from other companies or organizations which will pay.
Other considerations:
Copyright ownership
Agreements or contracts
Other legal responsibilities

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