Many people question whether they can write content themselves. While anyone can do so, not everyone has the inclination or the time to do so.
There are several reasons why writing articles is so important. They update your website and inform your readers about developments in your field. Content is essential for getting backlinks via article marketing. By writing articles you can insert more keywords to direct more traffic to your website.
Traffic is important to the success of any website or business. While articles are an important tool in bringing that traffic to your site, keywords are just as important. Choosing the proper keywords is like inserting a key in a lock-if it’s the wrong size or shape the door won’t open no matter how you manipulate it. You must think of the words you would use in a search if you were looking up a particular subject and all their variations. Those keywords will be picked up by the search engines so that you can reach your target audience.
Another key to successful content is the length of the article. Most people want short, informative articles that tell them the information they are looking for in a short amount of time. Images and bullet points help present ideas and information concisely and attractively.
Using Freelance Article Writers
There are a lot of freelance writers on the web today. If you just don’t have the time to do your own writing, a freelance writer or team of writers can take your ideas and keywords and return completed articles for your website. They can be sure that the articles get the best SEO rankings so you can optimize your traffic count.
The best, most attractive articles have a headline, short introductory paragraph, an informative body and a short concluding paragraph. A resource box is also a good addition. The headline (title) should be brief but eye catching enough that your visitor wants to read the content. The introductory paragraph should let them know quickly that they are reading the right article and each paragraph that follows should contain at least one bit of useful information. Summarizing the article in the last paragraph should include the main keywords and a resource box with your personal information will invite them to participate in your business.
Short and Sweet
Many website owners make the mistake of asking for hundreds of words for a subject that only needs a few paragraphs. This is called padding the article and can be a great irritation to the reader, who is looking for fast and accurate information. A concise, informative article will attract return visitors much more effectively than an article that is padded to achieve a specific word count.
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