“These are modern times” many would say. While this might be true, copywriting still remains an old misunderstood term that is even being done incorrectly today. Copywrite (NOT to be mistaken with copyright) conveys the act of writing promotional materials intended for the public. The “copy”, being referred to in this instance, are mainly advertisements, press and news releases, brochures and all online contents, which are used to inform, persuade, influence and captivate an audience – more specifically a niche market.
Such tasks are done by copywriters, namely SEO copywriters, in-house copywriters, freelance copywriters, sales and advertising copywriter, agency copywriters, among others. Copywriting, therefore, depends on a copywriter’s skills and chosen area of specialization.
How Is It Done?
Whatever its form, copywriting requires strategic techniques and well planned concepts in relation to its purposes. Good copywriters know that this requires implementing the following basic elements:
– Great Headline – You Got My Attention So Let Me Read On
The single most important thing in any copywritten material is its headline. If this headline does not intrigue the reader at first glance, most likely the rest of the copy will not be read. Therefore, great efforts must be placed on creating eye catching, interesting and convincing headlines. Additionally, the headline should provide a summation of or hint at the overall content, product or person that it is about.
– Superb Body That Turns Heads
Writer’s block can be somewhat of a nuisance. However, ‘brainstorming’ and ‘mind-mapping’ are effective techniques that can help to combat this problem when copywriting. Mind-mapping in particular, involves writing a single word or key word down and relating other words and phrases to this word by linking it with lines, thereby creating a visual thesaurus/diagram. Writers should do these techniques extensively so as to generate several useful words and phrases. It is also recommended to write the first draft solely for the purpose of “getting all ideas out on paper”. Absolutely no editing should be done at this point.
Having done this, copywriters can now place emphasis on correcting and proofreading their material. The focus can now be shifted to the style, structure and grammar of the content.
SEO writers should not only ensure that sufficient key words are in place, but also that the contents are coherently written and flow.
It is also imperative for copywriters to bear the target market for their content in mind. As such, copywriters need to have a full understanding of who they are writing for and the reasons why such persons would want to read their copies. The copies should therefore, be worth the readers while and satisfy their needs.
– Putting It To The Test
While the copy may not have wheels, we could still take it for a test drive. By doing this, copywriters will learn how effective the copy is and the changes, if any, that should be made to it. In the instance of sales copy online, the copy can be sent via emails to several hundred recipients to evaluate the overall response they will evoke. Modifications should then be made – preferably one by one – according to what works from what does not. If it’s a good copy, stick with it until it no longer is.
By paying attention to these essentialities, your public relations and marketing strategies will benefit greatly from this. The copies and contents will generate the attention they deserve and more than likely, your goals will be met much sooner.
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