
A Comprehensive Ghostwriting Contract Is Invaluable

A comprehensive ghostwriting contract is an essential part of ghostwriting services just as contracts for any professional services would be considered of great importance. The following seven examples show why a contract should thoroughly cover every aspect of ghostwriting services.
The author and ghostwriter do not detail the method and timing of payment. This results in frustration and anger, usually on the part of the ghostwriter who is likely depending on the income.
The ghostwriter and author are friends and leave out clauses that pertain to the timing of the project because they trust one another. This results in either a delay in starting the project or in the project dragging on long past all reasonable limits.
The author hired a ghostwriter but did not guarantee the necessary material to be given to the writer by a certain date. This, again, results in frustration to the writer who may have committed to the author’s project but ends up wasting valuable professional time that could have been spent on another more lucrative project.
The author and writer failed to detail how the necessary material for the work would be researched and/or provided. This can result in the ghostwriter being expected to do more than he/she contracted for.
Either party failed to sign a detailed agreement. This can result in the inability of either party to imply legal irresponsibility of the other party in the event the project is not completed, is not begun or other details not adhered to.
A trial period was not part of the contract. This results in the possibility that the writer cannot project the voice of the author effectively, leaving the author unhappy. Both parties can waste a substantial amount of time if they dive into the project without a provisional period.
No clauses were included for exit by either party. This results in the legal binding by both when a continuation of the contract may not be in the best interest of either party.
Comprehensive contracts are essential for smooth flowing projects. They are essential to help maintain a healthy relationship between author and writer so that the end result will be one that each can be proud to be associated with. Ghostwriting contracts that are well planned and that have the best interest of each party where the outcome is beneficial on all levels, not the least of which is trust. The best situation is a detailed agreement between wise professional partners.

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