Fast article writing makes a huge difference to your online marketing efforts. Every article helps spread the word about you and your business. It raises your profile in the niche and helps build a bond with potential customers. But to maximize your return on the time you invest, you need lots of articles working for you and the only way to accomplish this feat (without outsourcing your article writing) is to learn how to write articles faster.
To fully tap into the power of article marketing, you need to contribute regular content. One approach that works for many entrepreneurs is to write and post one article each and every day. If you’ve got 5 minutes to spare — and nearly everyone can find at least 5 minutes a day — you can crank out a quality article. When you do it every day, it gets easier. Stick with it long enough and it becomes a habit.
Let’s face it; time is limited for all of us. We either use our time productively, or we let it slide by. Article marketing works, but you have to work it. The point is, you can write at least one article every day and grow your earnings over time, or you can make excuses. Speed up your article writing and you’ll melt any inner resistance. Once you get in the flow of regular article writing, there will be no stopping you.
If you think you can benefit by faster article writing — here are 3 simple ideas to help you crank out original content quickly:
1. Start with a big list of keywords. Keywords are essential for tapping into the mindset of your market. When you know what combination of words people are entering into the search engines, you gain valuable insight into their thinking patterns. Use the same terms within your article and you stand a better chance of getting noticed and making an instant connection.
2. Turn your keywords into titles. Look over your list of keywords and begin crafting possible article titles. Some terms will leap off the page as obvious titles come to mind. Others require more thought. But having a long list to work from allows you to be more selective. Titles reveal the topic you’re going to cover and once you have an interesting title, fleshing out the content of your articles is mostly quick and painless.
3. Carry your keywords and titles with you. Look for opportunities to create more titles from your list of keywords. Once you have a title, all you need is 3-5 points related to your topic to form a simple article outline. Then you’re off to the races. Whenever you can spare 5 minutes, take out your lists, choose one topic and start writing fast.
You’ll find it easy to create quality, original content in minutes when you employ these 3 fast article writing tips.
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