
Can You Become A Six Figure Copy-Writer

Before I go any further let me assure you that writing a sales letter is easy – when you know how to do it. You do NOT have to write an essay. You do NOT have to be good at English although it should be your first language, ideally. If you can tap out an email or write a letter to a friend or talk naturally then you will be able to easily write a powerful sales letter that will earn you real money copy writing is not writing an essay Great copy always comes across as a personal message ‘from me to you’ and is written conversationally. It is emotional and specific. It is written in the first person I not we. Forget what your English teacher at school told you, there not here now. Pleasing them is not important where as motivating the customer and selling product is.
So long as your writing makes sense, flows like a conversation, is interesting and easy to read, then you can break the rules of grammar with an easy conscience.
Lots of sales letters that I receive are poorly written, ramble on, use fancy prose, are not lucid and focused and are often boring. As a result I do read them and of course don’t respond. Direct mail letters shout scream at their prospects, and do not treat him/her with dignity and respect. These two common flaws are the downfall of their letters are the implied insult and lack of credibility .Both turn off the reader.
Nobody likes to be shouted at, even in a letter. And screaming about how wonderful your product is will only make people think you are either a braggart or dishonest; nobody believes a screamer. Never be even slightly discourteous or insulting, even in a jokey fashion – humor is easily misunderstood. Everyone claims to have a sense of humor, few do. Sales letters must not only communicate clearly, they must also persuade. Anyone can learn to write a powerful sales letter. Successful letters are those that pull in sales profitably. The only true test of whether a letter is profitable is whether it brings in more money than the total costs involved and whether it is repeated. In order to improve, you need to practice.
A good way to practice is to find copy that you like make sure its copy that works and then write it out by hand. This gets you into the flow of the writer. When you hand write someone work, a remarkable thing happens. You actually can experience the thought process and even the emotional state of the copywriter. And you can model your own work on letters you like until you develop your own style, but do not copy there work.

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