Newsletter article writing is a skill that has the objective of gaining the trust of your subscribers with the ultimate objective of making a sale. Many websites build up an emailing list using a regular newsletter as a reward for the subscriber providing their name and email address, and this list is not being developed for any reason other than to make sales. The newsletter should achieve this without making it obvious.
Many fail with their newsletter because their subscribers can see right away what their objective is. Sometimes they can accept this, but, if the sales aspect is more prominent than the information a sales letter should provide, then most will either ignore it, refuse to open the email or unsubscribe. Some might do even worse, and report you for spamming, even though they have given you permission to email them.
You have nobody but yourself to blame if that happens, even though it might legally be unfair, because it would have been ultimately your fault for the subscriber becoming so dissatisfied with you that they took that action. Here are 5 tips on effective newsletter article writing that should avoid these things happening to you.
1. Offer an obvious means of unsubscribing. Many offer the unsubscribe link right at the beginning, but I do not recommend that even though it avoids subscribers complaining about finding it difficult to do so. By putting the link right at the end of your newsletter articles the reader at least has to scroll down to there, and might just notice a headline of interest.
Also, the unsubscribe link should lead to a page that offers the unsubscribe option and also a means of changing the subscription details such as their email address. Once an irate subscriber makes the click that is sometimes enough to satisfy them, and when they have to make a second click to actually unsubscribe they might have cooled down and simply navigate away. Make it easy, but not too easy!
2. Offer good information from which the reader will benefit. A newsletter article is not regarded by a subscriber as an advertising medium for you but as an informative publication for them. Provide information on topic, and make sure it is new and not a regurgitation of last month’s or even last year’s issue.
3. Provide free gifts from time to time. A good ratio is about 4 free gifts for every sales pitch. Offer information and free gifts for the first 3-4 issues, and then try to sell them something. They won’t complain – they might not purchase anything, but they will deem that fair. Free gifts are easy to find: join a site where you can download new free products each month. Chose one that is appropriate to your niche and offer it free – even with your name as author! Many allow that – private label rights sites offer that service to members. Perhaps you have sold products that you can no longer sell – these are always good gifts for your readers.
4. Offer information on more than one topic. In the field of natural healing or alternative medicine for example, your newsletter article writing could offer information on reiki masters, hypnotherapy and spiritual counseling. If you focus on only one, those readers that have no interest in it could go weeks or even months without receiving information on their own interest, and this will result in them unsubscribing. All that hard work wasted for the sake of a bit of time spent writing a good newsletter.
5. Sell! That is the ultimate objective of newsletter article writing, and when the time is right for you to make a sales pitch make it a good one. Use what would be the resource in a regular article to sell your product. Don’t just write “By the way, here’s a good product: URL…” Instead, you should present the product as a definite benefit to your readers with something along the lines of:
“I came across this fabulous product that will knock your socks off! It might even solve your problems overnight! Lots of people are raving about it. Check it out here: URL…” A newsletter is a tool for you to keep in contact with your emailing list, but it is also a publication that they agreed to receive from you. You likely made some promises about it in order to get them to register. Stick to your promises, and also make the newsletter worth them taking. A bad newspaper or magazine soon fails, and the same is true of newsletters.
Newsletter article writing is about information offered truthfully and honestly, and should be a useful asset for your potential customers. Make sure that yours is exactly that, and you should find that when you do offer products for sale you will get a far better response than if your newsletter was nothing but a glorified sales publication.
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