
Turn Your Smoking Into A Healthier And Safer Habit!

We all know that there are a huge number of chemicals in cigarette smoke ??? over 4000 to be exact ??? and that many of these substances are harmful, not only to the smoker, but to others who are exposed to second-hand smoke as well. Modern technology, however, has come to the rescue with the development of the electronic cigarette.
As a smoker, I must admit I was skeptical about e-cigarettes. There are so many addictive facets of smoking that it was difficult for me to see how all of these physical and psychological needs could be met without the ???real thing.??? Ultimately, a friend insisted that I try the e-cigarette he had purchased online at, and I reluctantly did so. What a surprise! The ???feel??? of inhaling and exhaling was there; I could taste the nicotine; I could see very little difference between this and smoking an actual cigarette!
Still skeptical, I did some research. First, I conducted a general search on the benefits of an electronic cigarette. I learned that, while one receives a dose of nicotine with each puff, many of the truly harmful aspects, such as the chemicals and tars, are absent. Further, the exhalation results in only water vapor being thrust into the air ??? certainly a great benefitfor those non-smokers around me!
Next, I went to to peruse the product offerings and was amazed at the huge variety of e-liquid cartridges that accompany the large selection of attractive e-cigarettes. First, there are different nicotine levels ??? a great idea for someone who is attempting to reduce smoking gradually. Second, are the flavors! Imagine being able to buy menthol or non-menthol, fruit and coffee flavored, or even liquor flavored e-liquid cartridges. I was impressed!
I began my sojourn into electronic cigarette smoking with a starter kit that included batteries, a charger, and several cartridges. Each cartridge, by the way, is equal to two packs of cigarettes, but one can also purchase the flavors in bulk and mix them to fill empty cartridges. All in all, e-cigarette smoking is far cheaper than the real thing. Being a purist, I ordered the regular tobacco flavored in bulk but decided to try a chocolate and strawberry cartridge as well. The fruit and sweet-flavored e-juice cartridges are nice for a change of pace, but I still prefer the regular.
My goal, over time, is to stop smoking altogether. What I love about is that I can gradually reduce the level of nicotine in the cartridges I purchase, and as long as I am still getting the psychological benefit of the ???feel??? of smoking, I think I can seriously reduce and eventually cease smoking altogether. Even if I do not quit entirely, however, I know that using an electronic cigarette reduces the risk of so many horrible health conditions, and this benefit alone is hugely significant.
If you are a smoker and truly wish to continue the habit in a far less harmful way, I urge you to get on this great site and explore an alternative with which you can be satisfied and far healthier!

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