A hurricane is a catastrophic event that generally affects warm-water costal regions. It is also known as a cyclone that brings along powerful winds and driving rain and is also accompanied by thunderstorms. Extra powerful hurricanes have occurred randomly and have wiped out many communities and claimed a huge number of lives. The one sure way to beat them is to be prepared for them. Since these are natural phenomenon, they cannot be avoided because their power, storm track, and landfall are totally unpredictable. They follow an erratic track which is what makes them so dangerous. A good way to reduce the devastating effects of a hurricane is to have a pre-planned escape plan in place.
Here are seven guidelines that can be the difference between life and death in such a time of emergency.
1 MAKING YOUR HOUSE STORM-PROOF: This is particularly useful for individuals who are residing in the region most likely to be affected by a hurricane. Make sure to have extra protection for your windows and doors. Using a storm shutter for your windows can be especially helpful. Also, prune dead and dying branches from all the trees around your house to promote safety.
2 CREATING AN EMERGENCY STRATEGY: Have your hurricane plan prepared well in advance. It is also important to make sure that your kids schools are also prepared, just in case a disaster of any kind hits. This plan should clearly answer questions like “how would you make contact with each other?” “Where would you go in case of an emergency?” and “what would be one out of area number for contact?”
3 DEVELOPING AN EMERGENCY KIT: This is typically supposed to be your emergency support kit and should have critical items like food supply for a minimum of three days, water, a hand crank radio, an emergency light, maps, cell phones with solar phone charger, sleeping bags and a first aid kit.
4 A STRATEGY FOR EVACUATION: When called on by safety personnel to get out, you should be able to immediately snatch up your pack of essential items and take off as soon as possible. It is also absolutely necessary that you maintain your vehicle’s fuel tank on full and take only the recommended evacuation routes. Meet up with loved ones on locations specified in your emergency packet and leave early to prevent getting trapped by the storm. Also, don’t forget to bring your emergency kit along.
5 FILLING UP ON THE EMERGENCY SUPPLIES: It is critical to store adequate quantities of vital items around the time of hurricane season. Have a stockpile of non-perishable foodstuffs, clean water, basic medicines, a few flashlights, water-cleaning filters, hygiene supplies, a few emergency radios and blankets or sleeping bags. Because you may need more than one, it is also recommended to use these extra supplies to create several emergency kit (see item three). You can store them in separate locations for when it may be difficult to know when and where you need one.
6 A SAFE ROOM IN YOUR HOUSE: In case when you and your family decide to stay back, it’s generally recommended to fall back on to your “safe corner”. A safe space is that space of your house that is designed particularly to weather a hurricane. It should thus have no unboarded windows and only one inside door. Fill that area up with all your emergency items.
7 PREPARING A TAKE AWAY BOX: This box is not the same as your emergency kit. The box is meant to contain all your critical documents and papers. All your identification and registration papers, in original, should be stored in the box, to be brought with you in the event of evacuation.
Hurricanes and other natural disasters are devastating and can be very painful. It is a smart choice to be prepared for them. However, taking all the recommended precautions will yield the desired results only if you also manage to keep your mind calm. It is essenticial to stay relaxed while you get ready to battle nature’s adversity. Be assured, you can survive and defeat it!
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