
Article Writing Benefits That You Can Control

I have heard so many different opinions about how many articles to write, and how many article directories to submit to. I will attempt to clear up this ever-changing subject.
Knowing what you expect your article to accomplish will be your first important decision. Article writing has so many benefits and for now I am going to assume you are aware of them. Assuming that you’re aware of all the benefits, you have to decide what you want this particular article you’re writing now to accomplish.
• Are you just looking to drive some extra traffic to your website?
• Are you trying to get as many back links to your website as possible in hopes of getting a higher rank from the search engines?
• Perhaps you trying to drive traffic to a one-page sales letter or an affiliate sales page?
• Or maybe you’d like all of the above wrapped up into one nicely written article?
First I’d like to describe what I believe to be the sweet spot when it comes to article writing. This is when you accomplish a little bit of each of the article writing benefits that we just listed.
1. How long should your article be? This will depend on your purpose for writing, but as a good rule of thumb 400 to 500 words is a good length, You want to provide enough valuable content to keep you reader interest. If your writing get to long you risk loosing them before they get to you resource box.
2. How many article directories should you submit your article to? In my opinion 5 to 6 directories is all that is necessary to provide traffic to your website and get some decent back links to your website.
3. Choose the top five or six article directories based on their Alexa rating. The directories with the highest rating also have the higher value as far as links from directories are concerned. It’s important to remember that article directories are just that directories, although their back links are good, there are much better back links available. Links from other websites that have similar content that link to your website or use your article can be valuable.
After having your article accepted by the various article directories, I suggest you then post your article on your blog or website. Notify all the social bookmarking sites that you have a new article posted on your website you do this through a pinging service such as Ping Goat, Ping O Matic, and, Online Wire.

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