
3 Questions You’ll Likely Be Asked By New Clients

As an SEO copywriter, you probably send out a ton of emails seeking work. If you’re new to the game, you may be not only excited, but anxious about prospective clients contacting you – ie, what are they going to ask, how do I respond, what if I say the wrong thing, etc.
Following are three of the most common questions (and the answers to them) clients ask SEO writers when they contact them for the first time.
I. How Much Do You Charge for SEO Articles/Blog Posts? Even though this information will most likely be listed on your SEO writing website, 9 times out of 10, clients will still ask you this. Their question usually goes something like:
What is your rate for 400-word articles? or How much do you charge for blog posts?
It’s important to memorize your rates AND your word count. While this may seem obvious, I can tell you from first-hand experience, you may forget if you haven’t made a concerted effort to remember.
For example, if a client ask what your rate is for a “300-word SEO article,” you may quote them your SEO article writing rate instead of your blogging rates. The difference? The word count.
If your websites states that an SEO blog post is anything less than 350 words and they’ve asked for a quote on a 300-word article, it’s easy to mistakenly quote them your article rate instead of your blog writing rate.
II. Do You Have Experience Writing in Our Niche? Many times clients will ask if you have experience writing about their particular product/service. If you do, by all means, tout it to the rooftops. They may even ask for samples, so be prepared to provide them.
However, as an SEO writer, you can only have so much direct experience. So a pat, professional answer to give is:
As an SEO writer, I am accustomed to writing on a wide variety of subjects – those with which I have direct experience, as well as those with which I have no experience. As the internet makes research quick and easy, I am able to produce professional, informative content on almost any subject imaginable.
For most prospective SEO writing clients, this response will be sufficient.
Note: Be prepared to provide samples.
III. What Is Your Turnaround Time? In reality, it depends on a variety of factors. A good response is:
It depends on the amount of SEO content you want. For article orders of 10 or fewer, my turnaround time is 24-48 hours. Orders larger than this are handled on a case-by-case basis. I’ll give you a firm deadline once you tell me exactly what you want. If you’re new to SEO writing, having the answers to these questions readily accessible in your head will go a long way towards alleviating your fears when prospects contact you.

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