
Why Reading Copywriting Tutorials Won’t Help

There are dozens if not hundreds of copywriting tutorials available on the Internet and in print but I’ve got to tell you something about them. I really hate to be the bearer of bad news but you can read as many of these tutorials as you like…but they won’t help.
The Truth About Copywriting Tutorials
Each of the tutorials that you might read can teach you the basics of the profession but that’s about it. Sure, you might pick up a tidbit of information here and there that could expand your basic knowledge but its all…well, basic.
Don’t get me wrong here; I am not saying that all of the published copywriting tutorials are a bunch of crap. They are not a waste of time but once you have read one copywriting tutorial you have read them all.
If you want to become a freelance copywriter that is truly the cream of the crop these tutorials are only giving you one part of a multi-part process.
What Copywriting Tutorials Can’t Give You
Like I said, becoming a good copywriter is a multi-part process.
#1 – The Basics- Any tutorial can give you the basics. They can give you a formula to follow but there is much more to copywriting than that.
#2 – The Psychology of Buying- Most tutorials will tell you that you need to get into the mind of the buyer and they may even be able to tell you how you should do it. But truly understanding the mind of the buyer takes one thing that they can’t give you…experience.
#3 – Experience- Lets take a different profession as an example of why copywriting tutorials don’t work. In this example lets say you want to be a pilot.
You can read every manual ever written on flying but are you ready to jump in the pilot’s seat after you read them? Of course you aren’t. You need practical experience. For this example you would need time in a simulator and flight time with a qualified instructor.
I don’t mean to say that freelance copywriting is comparable in mechanics to becoming a good pilot, but it is comparable in experience and expertise.
Tutorials can give you a basic understanding of the mechanics of the profession but they can never give you the experience. You get experience in the copywriting world by doing it. Until you become good at it you hire others to do the job for you. Now do you understand why reading all of the copywriting tutorials in the world won’t help?

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