
How To Build Entertainment Into A Nonfiction Book Chapter

Why do people read books? Here’s what I’ve discovered, most people read books for two basic reasons. I’m going to give you one in this article with two examples. When you intertwine the two elements I’m about to tell you into your books, you will begin to reel your readers in like fish on a hook.
One of the basic reasons people read a book is they want to be entertained. Most of us, if not all of us, enjoy a good story. It’s like in the movie ‘Out of Africa’ starring Meryl Streep and Robert Redford. In the movie, Ms. Streep’s character captivated her friends with her stories. Jane Austin’s books made into movies continue to be remade and reborn because of her story telling abilities.
Even, the tabloids get a lion’s share of readers with stories like the six armed alien that captured Madonna one night.
So how can you make your chapters entertaining? I’m so glad you asked. There are some specific techniques that you can use to entertain your readers, even in a non-fiction book. I already mentioned stories as one so I’ll give you two others you can captivate your reader’s attention through entertainment.
Use Analogies. An analogy is when you compare one thing with another. Earlier, I could have said you can intertwine two basic elements to make your book more interesting. Instead, I said, “When you intertwine the two elements I’m about to tell you about into your books, you will begin to reel your readers in like fish on a hook.”
Or if the writer said, “How would you like to write an ebook that many people can’t wait to buy?” instead of “Want to write an ebook that your readers stampede like a herd of cattle to read?” Which of these sounds more entertaining to you?
Develop Acronyms. This is one of my favorite ways to entertain. Why? Not sure why, it just feels like successfully filling in a crossword puzzle. And all the cross word puzzle lovers say, “Yes!” I knew you would understand. (smile)
Anyway, using an acronym, you organize your content by the first letter of a word. For example, a lesson titled How To Write Compelling C.H.A.P.T.E.R.S. used the words Choose, Have, Articulate, Present, Tell, Engage, Reach and Sum to explain the parts of a lesson. The acronym entertains; but it also makes your material easy to remember.
Get rid of the boring nonfiction chapter you were going to write. Instead write entertainment into your nonfiction book chapters and reel your readers in like fish on a hook.

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