Below is a freelance writing commitment contract. What is this? Before I explain, let me tell you what precipitated it.
I read an excellent article entitled 10 Steps to the Body You Want. As the title implies, the author, a doctor who counsels women trying to lose weight, outlines 10 steps to take to get the body you want.
As I read through the steps, I kept reflecting on the questions I receive almost daily from readers of this blog asking how to go about starting a freelance writing career.
The reason my mind kept wandering back to these readers is that the same advice the author dispensed in this article could have been given to practically every single reader who’ve asked me a question along the lines of, “How can I start freelancing fulltime?”
One day while watching Oprah, she said she read somewhere that we are motivated primarily by two emotions – love and fear. Sure, the obstacles may be labeled differently (eg, lack of education, lack of skill, lack of money, etc.), but if you keep peeling back the layers of what’s keeping you from achieving your dreams – they can all be traced back to something tied to one of these emotions – love or fear.
Getting the Life & Career You Want: A Pledge to Change
In the aforementioned article, the author advised those seeking to lose weight to write out a contract. She even suggested that it be written on nice paper – not scrap paper. Why a contract? Because it acknowledges the difficult times to come and it puts your intentions in concrete terms.
Every time you’re tempted to stray, quit and/or encounter a difficulty, it’s easy to refocus by pulling out that contract and recommitting yourself. Based on this contract, I’ve devised one for those who want to start a freelance writing career, but are afraid to embrace the challenge.
I’d suggest handwriting it out on nice paper and framing it to put someplace where you can view it every day. It takes this type of intense focus to achieve your dreams.
My (Your) Freelance Writing Commitment Contract
I , ______________________ (your name), commit to starting my freelance writing career on ___________ (date). I believe in myself and accept the challenges that are to come. I will confront them to the best of my ability, and not be stymied when I encounter difficulty.
I will ask for help when needed and not give up when things don’t go as planned.
I realize that this will not be the easiest journey, but am willing to put in the necessary work to achieve my emotional, spiritual and financial goals.
I commit to keeping a daily journal to track my progress. I will keep this journal honestly and commit to it my progress and my setbacks. I will forgive my setbacks by using them as learning opportunities, not as excuses to quit.
I will refer to this journal every day to keep me motivated to stay the course.
Instead of complaining and whining when things don’t go as expected, I will seek solutions instead of stewing or ruminating over problems. Whining note: If I feel like it, I will allow myself to whine a little bit, but snap out of it and start looking for solutions after a maximum of 10 minutes.
While my journey may be difficult and my hours long, I will strive for balance in my life by not neglecting loved ones. After all, they are my support system. I must never forget this and keep them abreast of my progress so they always feel included in my life, not excluded.
I will devise a special, inexpensive way of treating myself for goals met along the way.
The date I set to start freelancing fulltime is _________________ (date).
Feel free to add terms meaningful to you to your contract. Whatever your contract says, don’t let yourself down. Use it to motivate, stimulate and push you toward your dream.
Because boy, I can personally tell you, there’s nothing like doing what you love. While not all my days are 100% bliss, most days I can’t wait to turn on my computer and get down to work. I love the life I live – because I spend it fulfilling my dreams.
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