The essence of what makes copy successful is the creation of a relationship with the prospective customer. They have to believe you know what they need, how they feel and how to fill their need with your product or service.
Here are seven ways that might help you go about convincing them of just that.
1. Know what they need. Just take some time to think about your product and the main reasons why someone would want it in the first place. You could even pose the question on your email list or product forum, if you have one. If not, you can always offer a free sample to a few prospects in exchange for the answer to some questions. Their answers may be very telling and help you to focus your copy to bring in more customers in the future.
2. Tell them the benefits. What will the average customer get out of buying your product? No one will buy something just because – it has to do something for them. You’ll need to be able to state the benefits of your product clearly and convincingly.
3. Let it be known that you have the answer. You know their problem and, thanks to your product, you know the answer. State how your product will fix the problem defined in the first step.
4. Push the point home. Most people are understandably reluctant to be parted with their hard-earned money. They’ve heard it all before, after all. There is always some product claiming to end some ill or another and some of these do nothing of the kind. Be very clear about how your product works and what it will do.
5. Let the customers tell their own stories. One way to push the point home is to rely on the testimony of previous customers. Once people see that others have benefited – others with the same problems as they have – they will be more willing to buy the product in question. The testimonial should state what life was like before and after using the product and contain the real name, city and web address of the testimonial giver. It is important for the prospect to know the testimonial was given by a real person.
6. Give them a guarantee. Your product should offer some sort of guarantee, as all good products should. It takes more than just saying it – be detailed in just how the customer can get a refund should there be any dissatisfaction. This is another way to push the point home. Your product is good stuff, and you’re so sure of it, you’re willing to risk losing money to provide it to others.
7. Tell them what makes you unique. There should be a reason why customers buy from you rather than your competitors. Let your readers know what that reason is. It’s okay to brag a little bit when you explain what makes you stand out from the rest. This is the time to extend the call of action and urge your readers to click that button and make their purchase.
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