Want to write a great article that draws and keep the attention of your reader? Then spin it. Well, spin not in the way you are probably thinking but putting your own spin on the information you are presenting. Article writing does not have to be boring. Treat it as a work of art and have fun.
So what do we mean exactly when we say spin your article? An example will suffice. Let’s say you are writing about how to taste wine properly. Of course you could just write out the prescribed and accepted steps and your readers would probably be satisfied with what you have given them. After-all wine tasting is wine tasting. There is nothing strange, difficult or even exciting there about the process. But what if instead of just laying out the steps, you actually visited a wine tasting party and describe how you see it done there.
You could say what happened from the time you arrived and then carefully detail the wine tasting process, throwing in names, reactions, facial expressions, comments. This can be done while still serving the objective of your article which is to describe how wine tasting is done. The only difference is your article now takes on a lot of life; your reader is fascinated with what next in terms of behaviors you describe, your readers may pick up some wine tasting ideas they never thought about nor would never think about just by reading a straight how-to taste wine article.
You benefit because now you have made a definite impression with your article, and in this business impressions are invaluable; people will tend to want more and your web site is where more can be found of course. So instead of a one dimensional article, give your reader multiple dimensions of the same subject and you will be surprised to know how interested people become about wanting to read your articles over and over again. This makes your article writing efforts much more productive.
Does this article writing strategy work with any subject matter or niche? Well I cannot think of one where with a little creativity this could not be attempted. Maybe instead of people, its animals or machines. It doesn’t matter really, as long as the style give more color and life to your article.
So next time before you sit down to write an article, consider what experiences you need to have so that you may be able to put your personal spin on the facts and information you will be presenting to your reader. Article spinning in this sense does not mean multiple copies of the same article with some wording changed, it means multiple dimensions of the subject cleverly captured in one article for the benefit of your reader but serving a defined objective.
Article writing can be a challenge at times, but if you find ways to make it fun while giving your readers value for their time and increasing the returns on your writing efforts, there is hardly a better approach you could take with writing articles.
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