If you want to write an article that people would read, you must learn some new things. Sure you could just keep writing the same old stuff, but that wouldn’t get you the results you want. Article writing has become very profitable and it’s up to you to make it work for you. So lets look at some simple methods you could use to write articles that people would enjoy.
Follow these easy steps and write an article people want to read:
Research what people want to learn about. This is very simple. If you aren’t writing about the things people want to learn about, chances are that your articles won’t get read. So go to the Google search engine and type in some keywords that people might use to search for information. The keyword suggestion tool allows you to get exact statistics of the phrases people use to find information online. It will even allow you to see how many searches are done for any particular key word phrase.
Don’t fall into the trap of writing really long articles. I see it all the time, article marketers think it’s a good idea to write 1000 word articles, and hope that people will read the whole thing. However, this is not the case. People usually have very short attention spans and you need to get them hooked quickly. I suggest that you write an article that is around 400 words in length. That’s around the time people will start to get bored and leave your content. Writing them short ensures that this will not happen to you.
Get your readers attention from the very beginning. If you’re a book worm like me, you know that it’s the first few paragraphs that determine whether or not we want to continue reading the book. The same thing applies for when you write an article. You need to get their attention fast, then give them 3-6 short paragraphs that teach them something. I suggest that you only write about a few ideas. This will ensure that the article body is very short and easy to read.
Create a very compelling title. Alright, if you don’t get this part right, just quite writing all together. I’m serious, if you don’t write good titles, people won’t open your article in the first place. Write a title like this:
“5 Ways to Get Your Website On the First Page of Google In One Night”
OK, obviously you better be able to deliver on that title, but the idea is the same. Write a compelling title and watch what happens.
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