I’ve been doing internet marketing for quite sometime and if there’s one thing that I’ve learned over the years is that there’s no better way to promote just about anything online than content marketing. When you write articles and blog posts for example, you share you in-depth knowledge. This can help your readers and when that happens, this can lead to customer trust and respect. As you know, you need these to eventually convert these people to paying customers.
Here’s a simple way to do article and content marketing:
1. First, get to know the people that you’re writing for. Are you targeting men, women, or both? What’s their age bracket? What kind of information do they find extremely important? What are the things that can push their emotional hot buttons? What can make them read an article until the end? Be very wise and start the process by taking this route. If you do, you can easily make your content more targeted, more focused, and more effective. That means, it’s more likely that you’ll get the kind of response that you’re looking for in as little time as possible.
2. Learn how to write content for online users. Writing for online surfers is different compare to when you’re writing traditional books or newspapers. This is because your target audience has different needs and preferences. Before you start writing, check out the most popular websites and articles on directories to get an idea. Online users prefer articles and blog posts that are relatively short (around 400-500 words), concise, and very easy to understand.
3. Quality vs. quantity. Although quantity is very important especially when you’re trying to promote easy recall and when you want to become more visible online, quality is far more important. You see, even if you publish 20 articles per day, you’ll still not get positive response from your readers if your content is lousy. On the other hand, your audience will respond to your call to action if your content is well written, very entertaining to read, full of useful, unique information, and very straightforward.
4. Distribute your articles. Give your articles better exposure by simply getting them published on top websites and blogs. Your best bets here are article marketing sites such as EzineArticles. You can also use your articles when doing guest blogging and when you’re answering questions on Yahoo! Answers. As for your blog posts, ensure that you link them together and promote them for further reading. This is to ensure that your visitors will be able to read as many posts as possible each time they pay you a visit.
5. Send traffic to your squeeze page. Although you would want to boost your traffic, I would recommend that you focus on building and boosting your list first. This will happen if you send interested people to your squeeze page. Give these people every reason to sign up. Remember, you need as many subscribers as possible as the size of your list will decide the number of sales you’re going to make.
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