Freelance copywriting jobs range from writing Internet sales pages to penning press releases. While you need excellent writing and research skills to succeed as a freelance copywriter, you do not need a whole lot of experience to get started. The tips that follow have helped me and many of my coaching clients land great freelance copywriting jobs.
Before pursuing any freelance copywriting jobs, gather or create relevant samples. This step causes some of my clients to panic, because they have not actually sold copywriting to clients. However, all you need are strong samples to show your prospective clients. Unlike the newspaper or online article world, your prospective copywriting clients do not expect you to have a publication history. Write a press release for a local organization or friend. Create a sample sales page or brochure copy.
Live networking events are one of the most effective ways to get freelance copywriting jobs. Check out websites such as Meetup or Business Networking International (BNI) and get in front of your ideal clients. When talking to a group or an individual, emphasize how your skills can help your prospective clients make more money. In the world of freelance copywriting jobs, your ability to craft a powerful marketing message that makes your clients money is more important than whether your attended a great writing college.
Go to job bidding sites such as Guru and oDesk to find copywriting opportunities. You’ll find much less competition here than on websites such as Craigslist. However, be careful to only bid on jobs where your prospective employer seems willing to pay a fair rate for your work. Some clients prefer the cheapest work, even if it is low-quality. You don’t want to write for these clients, because they often expect a lot of work for very little financial return.
Online networking is another great way to find freelance copywriting jobs. Again, use discretion and consider demanding 50 percent or more of your payment upfront. This step helps protect you from non-paying “clients.” Become a part of message boards in your fields of interest and let people know through your signature line that you work as a freelance copywriter. Boards such as Digital Point and Warrior Forums can help you find many prospective clients if you are helpful, polite and literate in your online interactions.
My final advice is to not discount your friends, family, Facebook network, or former clients/employers in any field. Let everyone know you’re looking for freelance copywriting jobs, and abundance and prosperity should eventually come your way as long as you do not give up.
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