
The Art And Science Of Article Writing

A good article is the result of an article writing process, which has blended the art and science in appropriate proportion and at appropriate stages. Lets understand this science and art of writing articles.
The first step to article writing should be defining the purpose of the article. The purpose could be to promote a product or create awareness among people for hygiene or explain a particular kind of phenomenon or anything else. The purpose should be clear in the mind of the writer before beginning the article and preferably, it should be written down on a piece of paper which should be kept in front while writing. The next step to develop an idea for the article i.e. what do you want to include in the article. At this stage, one should pen down all the points which are coming to the mind so as to ensure no points gets left out. This stage also demands ‘art’ of article writing from the writer. He should be limit himself to the literal meaning of the title or the purpose statement but be able to creatively relate and bring out maximum number of points, which can be relevant to the article.
Once all the points have been written down, it is now time to picking out the most relevant points out of all the points and weeding out the rest. This is one of the most time consuming stages of article writing. The more the number of points generated in the last step, the more the choices available at this stage leading to better points picked up for the article. The number of points being picked up depends upon the length of the article. One should try to strike a balance as covering too many points will render the article less understandable and more encyclopedic and covering too less points may make the article incomprehensive.
After selecting the points, it is time to think about the structure of the article as to which point should go first and how many words are to be devoted to each of the points. Ideally, the number of words devoted to a point should be in proportion to the importance of the point in the article. This is a crucial stage in article writing, as the ‘art’ of structuring the article has to be used to maximize the effectiveness of the article and keep the audience interested in the article till the very end of it.
Once the structure and plan of the article is laid out, it is now time to do the actual writing. One caution at this stage of article writing is to use words, which will be understood by the audience and not getting into technicalities and jargon. If the above steps were followed, the result would be an article, which will be appreciated by one and all.

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