
How Words Could Break Your Website

You’re planning a new website… you’ve explored your options and found a web company with the creativity, marketing know-how and technical expertise to design and build you a powerful, effective marketing tool.
Now you wonder whether you could just write your own copy. After all, you write well and nobody knows your business better than you; how hard can it be? The wording for your new site is an expense you just don’t need right now.
Many small business owners struggle with that decision, and wonder whether writing their own copy may be the best way for them to go.
If you, too, are wondering, it might be helpful to take a look at what is actually involved in the copywriting process; because successful web copy is about much more than clever words describing your company. A skilled, experienced copywriter is a marketing professional with the ability to combine all the following elements to create messaging that is engaging, compelling, persuasive and responsive:
Marketing. The first step in any copywriting project is market analysis and competitive research. How is your market structured, and who are the main players? How do other companies promote themselves? As a marketing professional your copywriter will be able to evaluate what your competitors are doing well, and what they are not doing so well. This is a starting point for a strategy that will differentiate you and set you above your competitors.
Strategy. Your copywriter has the marketing know-how to write within the context of your overall strategic marketing objectives. As well as achieving the specific goals of the piece, the writing has to be strategically designed to contribute to your branding, your messaging and your long-term marketing plans.
Design. No matter how fascinating your marketing message is, it is wasted if it’s not strategically ‘designed’ to keep people reading through. This means creating a layout for the wording that attracts attention, allows the prospect to quickly scan through the main selling points, and then invites them in for the details and the conclusion.
Attraction. As with a face-to-face sales meeting, the written sales message has to be carefully designed to draw the prospect in, lead them through the primarily selling points, answer objections and create desire. Unlike a face to face sales meeting, it’s a lot easier for your prospect to switch off if you haven’t grabbed their interest. A good copywriter finds the tone that will create an instant connection with the prospect, and which will gradually build their trust. They understand how to write copy that flows easily as it informs, inspires and motivates.
Persuasion. A huge part of the copywriting process involves getting to understand the prospect in order to craft a sales message from their point of view. Rather than writing your story, a good copywriter will discover how you fit into your prospect’s story. This is the only way to write a message that resonates with your prospect and makes your product or service irresistible.
Search Engine Optimization. Writing for the search engines is a technical skill which requires an understanding of how the search engines work, and how to use keywords and phrases to their maximum benefit. The wording on your website has a huge impact on your rankings.
Response. One of the most important tasks of the copywriter is to create compulsion and a sense of urgency. Only a well-crafted call-to-action will have your prospects rushing to respond.
Dedication to your deadline. Finally – and very importantly – to a professional copywriter your project is a priority. You are busy with your business and writing that copy can easily be one of those projects that never makes it to the top of the list. When you hire a copywriter you know it’s getting done, and you know it’s getting done well.
Your website is an investment in your business growth
Even the most brilliant web design can be compromised if it’s not complemented by professionally written copy that is readable, persuasive and compelling. A skilled copywriter understands how to craft a written sales message that will keep your web visitors engaged and interested; clicking through your site and responding.
By working with a skilled professional copywriter, you can protect your investment, and allow your website to reach its true business building potential.

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