
Copywriting Tips – Should You Use Sales Page Generators

One of the questions I get a lot from people who are first starting out as copywriters is if they should bother with sales page generators. As a copywriter, my answer may surprise you. While I don’t use them personally, there is definitely a use for them and if you pick yourself up a good one, it can probably pay you back many times over. This is not to say that you don’t have to write good sales copy, because you do. But a sales page generator can save you some time.
Okay, why can using a sales page generator save you a lot of time? Well, for starters, you don’t have to go hunting for a sales page template, or worse, go and create one yourself. This can become very time consuming. I was very lucky. When I first started out as a copywriter, I made friends with several people who showed me where to get great templates and what to look for. But if you’re first starting out, this can be an overwhelming task.
Another great thing about using a sales page generator is that a good one will contain a very specific outline for your sales letter. This way, all you have to do is fill in the actual words of your copy in each part. Now, having said that, you still have to be able to write killer copy because all you get with these generators is the template or shell. Without the words, that shell is empty. With badly written words, that shell is worse than empty. It’s a prelude to disaster conversion percentages. So please do not get the idea that having one of these generators is the answer to all your prayers. All they do is save time in coding and give you a format to work with.
Now, you can get one of these for as little as $37, but the really good ones, like the one put out by Marlon Sanders, are really excellent. Marlon’s is literally a professional template that only needs some great words to make it a sales letter nobody would recognize from one written from scratch. Of course you’re paying a hundred bucks for it, so it better be good. I’ve checked all the popular ones out and his is the best simply because he made it first and is one of the great copywriters of our time.
So if you’re short on time and can’t be bothered looking for templates and coding bullet points and fascination boxes, get yourself a good sales page generator.
But make sure you know how to write killer copy first.
To YOUR Success

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