Article writing can be a very challenging task. Although it is easy in discussion to share thoughts and opinions, it is entirely different when you try to incorporate them in to an article. To be an effective article writer, you have to be knowledgeable about your subject and able to think strategically. Some people believe that they do not have the necessary skills for writing, but writing is not an innate ability. It is something that can be learned and polished. So if you make the effort to learn effective writing, then you are quite likely to succeed. The following are some article writing techniques that will stand you in good stead, should you decide to pursue an interest in article writing.
1. Identify your subject – This is the very first thing that you will need to decide. What is your subject? Where are you going to focus your ideas? The possible selection of topics for article writing is wide ranging. Therefore, you must decide and then focus-in on your specific chosen topic. Take your time when constructing your thoughts and trying to put them in to words, especially if your subject is unfamiliar to you. Use brainstorming techniques. Do some research to gather as much primary and background information as possible about your subject. It does not matter if you are writing an article on a new or established topic, what is important is that you have a unique content.
2. Determine your audience – Readers come from many different sectors of society. It is important therefore, for you to identify your target audience and to ensure that you choose the right approach for those specific readers. Basically, if the target audience includes people new to the subject matter and that subject is technical in nature, try to write an article that is not too complex and is related to their relative skill level. Do not use technical terms that are not familiar to your audience without an accompanying explanation. The use of more complex and technical terms is of course acceptable, if your intended audience is more technically astute.
3. Conduct proper research – Following on from item no.1, you must gain a full understanding of your subject. If you lack knowledge, then the chances are that you will not be able to write an article that is reliable and significant. Most readers prefer to read articles that are factual. Since article writing can cover every topic under the sun, it is inevitable that where a topic is assigned to us by somebody else, some topics will appear difficult as we are not familiar with them. Sooner or later if you are setting out on a writing career, you will encounter this issue. When this happens, your ability to research becomes a life saver. Find, read and digest information from other resources both online and offline and where possible ask some experts.
4. Determine article length – You must consider carefully the length of article to be written. Magazines and newspapers normally require you to work to a specific limit in terms of length.
5. Rewrite the article as many times as necessary – Don’t hurry the process of writing. Review it, and then review it again. Have someone proof read it for you for spelling, grammar and content, until you have the finally polished product. Article writing stimulates the power of thinking. Convey your thoughts but make sure that they are based on fact and understanding. Although it can be challenging, article writing is a fun job to do.
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