I was sitting down one day and thinking about what the biggest mistakes that beginning copywriters make. The list was so long that I almost needed a second sheet of paper. And then I looked at the list and wondered what were the top offenders. I mean, what were the ones that just flat out killed sales copy before it ever got off the ground? Well, I’ve decided to include the top three in this article. Yes, these are the biggest killers in my opinion. So please pay close attention to them. I’ll do these in reverse order just for the suspense factor.
The third biggest mistake that copywriters make is using templates that look like garbage. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. If a prospect comes to your sales page and it looks like junk, what do you think the chances of them reading your copy are? Sure, some won’t care, but quite a large volume of prospects will judge the book by its cover, unfair as that my seem. It won’t even matter how good your copy is, unless it really screams at the prospect. Then, a poor template can be overcome. But I wouldn’t tempt fate. Get yourself a template that looks professional if you can’t design one yourself.
The second biggest mistake that copywriters make is a weak call to action or closing. They have this great sales copy and then they get to the bottom of the sales letter and they say something lame like, “Click below to order.” This is NOT going to get the job done. You have to show the prospect how he’s got to have this stuff. You have to put the words in his mouth. “Yes Joe! I Want To Discover The Secrets To Eternal Youth…TODAY!” You have to get him excited about what he’s buying. If you don’t do this, you’re going to lose sales…big time.
The biggest mistake that copywriters make is with their headline. The headline will account for 80% of your sales. A poor headline will make it so that nobody will bother to read what’s coming next. At the very least, it’s not going to get them excited enough to really care about the rest of the copy. Your headline must scream out at the person. It has to almost summarize what they can expect to find on your page and why they should even bother reading what follows. I can’t stress this enough…your headline is the make or break of your sales letter.
These are the three sales letter killers…templates, closings and headlines. If you get these three right, you give yourself over an 80% chance of converting the sale.
Want to discover what great headlines are? Want all my secrets? Check out the link in my signature and you’ll be writing copy that will be converting as much as 80% more sales.
To YOUR Success
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