When composing sales copy for an online business there are certain guidelines for writing in a persuasive manner that will serve you well. The first thing you need to realize is that people scan more than they read when viewing any copy writing online. With that said a copywriter needs to get their attention and fast in order to be effective at their craft.
Here are 3 very simple yet effective tips on how to write persuasive sales copy that will be viewed on the internet.
Make Your Point Quickly
People normally scan instead of reading online. They may read the first few sentences to get the gist but after that they go into the ‘scanning’ mode. If you do not make your points quickly you have likely lost the reader! A copy writer needs to ‘move’ to the point of the message almost immediately. Anybody reading sales copy has already landed on the page fully aware something is being promoted so there is little reason to delay getting to the point.
‘Clip’ Your Sentences
Use as few words as possible in each sentence. Readers can quickly develop a ‘subconscious’ attitude when they are being ‘sold something’ online. They very often are looking for a reason to simply leave the page. Do not let your sentences get too long or you may very well give the reader the ‘excuse’ they are looking for to leave!
Be Persuasive
Do not ‘play’ and try to ‘romance’ your readers but instead use plain and direct wording to make your point and persuade them. As a copy writer your objective is to persuade the reader and not to ‘dance’ around the issue with frivolous and useless adjectives and compliments. Getting a reader to take the desire action you want them to take in as few words as possible is how to write persuasive sales copy.
When composing sales copy for online viewers there are certain guidelines for writing in a manner that will quickly capture a readers’ attention. Since people tend to scan most copy writing more than they read it, the intended message needs to be delivered quickly and clearly. With this being the case a copywriter will want to minimize the use of any non-essential words or phrases in order to get to the point as fast as possible.
The 3 tips presented here today on how to write persuasive sales copy for online use will help you to quickly capture the attention of your intended audience. At this point it will be up to the ‘depth’ of your message and the quality of your product as to whether the reader will become a satisfied customer.
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