
The 5 Stages Of Creative Expression

Where are you on your writing journey? Are you just starting out, alternately excited and terrified by your creative ideas? Or have you been on the path for some time – perhaps making progress in fits and starts, or perhaps making great headway, but still unsure of your next steps?
Wherever you are, this exploration of the 5 Stages of Creative Expression can help you to recognize where you’ve been, envision where you’re going, and figure out how to bypass some of the bumps in the road along the way. Here are the five stages:
The Uncertain Writer
When you are in the stage of Uncertainty, you may be questioning your ability to be creative, your commitment to your writing project(s), or both. Your creative expression is stuck out there in Someday Land – it’s still an “I wish” rather than an “I am.”
Your Challenges:
Lack of confidence in your creativity
Fear of being judged for your creative expression
Ambivalence about your commitment to bring your ideas into tangible form and share them with the world
Your Solution:
Identify your personal creative blocks – make a list of what’s stopping you and take action to clear your path.
The Frustrated Writer
You feel like your Muse is missing – the desire is there, it’s just not flowing as freely and effortlessly as you imagined it would and as a result, you may be doubting and/or harshly judging your creative efforts.
Your Challenges:
Re-discovering the joy in your creative process
Overcoming procrastination and making tangible progress on your project
Sticking to your commitment to your writing
Your Solution:
Break through your frustration by focusing on some stream of consciousness writing or completing some creative writing prompts.
The Overwhelmed Writer
Your Creative Genius is active – you have tons of ideas coming up, and it’s a challenge to get them all recorded and organized into some kind of cohesive project or creation. You might even have more than one project vying for your attention.
Your Challenges:
Mental and emotional overwhelm
Lack of organization
No clear work structure
Your Solution:
Identify the steps needed to complete your project and prioritize them for a clear action plan and increased mental focus.
The Accomplished Writer
You’ve completed your writing project and have a final manuscript in hand.
Your Challenges:
Putting the finishing touches on your work and making sure it’s really ready for its debut
Recognizing when it’s time to leave it alone and not editing/revising the life out of it
Selecting the best way to get your work in the hands of readers
Your Solution:
Learn your publishing options and create a book proposal (if needed).
The Successful Writer
Congratulations, your work is out there in the world! Whether it’s through traditional publishing, self-publishing or another format, you are sharing your creative vision.
Your Challenges:
Fear of getting stuck in a creative rut
Fear of your subsequent work not living up to the standards of your previous work
Your Solution:
Your Muse can help! Reconnect with your inner Creative Genius to receive continued inspiration and motivation to write from your current passionate focus.
Once you have identified which stage you are in, make a commitment to follow through on the suggested solution(s) above. Notice when your particular challenges begin to arise, and remind yourself that the creative process is a combination of self-awareness, motivation and consistent activity. Then take a deep breath and take the next step on your journey!

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