
Web Page Copywriting And The New American Dream

A few years ago my brother lost his job at the Sun Newspaper’s in the greater Cleveland area and just could not find a new job in spite of well informed and vigorous efforts-so he took some time out and trained as a Personal Coach. I thought maybe that would work for him because he already knew a lot about health and fitness. In fact he pressed over 200 pounds daily just to warm up.
And he knew a lot about nutrition as well. I was hopeful he would soon make it in his new profession but some part time work at the YMCA was all that seemed to come of it..
Then my other brother lost his job, and my Mom was seeing her retirement nest egg shrink rapidly as she carried her two sons.
I wanted to help, but as a handicapped person there was little I could do. I couldn’t really get out to the bus stop in rough weather and make it in to a 9 x 5 job day in day out. At 56 or so years old those days were long gone for me. But many people, so they say, have been picking up some good extra bucks working the Internet. I was on the computer all the time anyway and thought maybe I could learn to do the same.
Well, to tell you the truth my results were disappointing. After 2 years or so I figured out the basic configuration of a Internet Marketing sales funnel but I sure did not make much money at it. I kept at it, though. My brothers were still out of work and my Mom was still running out of money. I was still determined to help out and still losing weight from skimping on food so I could buy the latest dumb dumb baloney new finagled crush it on the Internet rubbish.
It would have gone on but my brother died. He had moved to Florida to stay with his new wife and no longer had health care. So when those tropical pollens kicked in and started up his allergies, which were severe even when he lived in Ohio and Pennsylvania, he tried treating it himself with over-the-counter helps like always. This time it did not work. He was hitting those mind mashing Sudafeds and started getting disoriented. He refused to see a doctor because he absolutely did not want a doctor bill. All the money he had saved up had gone into setting his new wife up with a sandwich truck and he still didn’t have it quite finished.
So he went to walk-in clinic at a drug store and was seen by a Nurse Practitioner. She prescribed Zpak, a controversial anti-biotic for his severe congestion. His wife drove him home. Then she went to the grocery store while he lay down to rest. When she returned a half hour later she found him laying on the kitchen floor with his head cracked open. His last few months had been the happiest of his life.
Making money on the Internet was no longer an urgent mission, I realized a few weeks after my brother no longer needed anyone’s help. And my Mom had no trouble plunking down the $10,000 for his last arrangements. Thankfully, it has not been as bad as I thought. And I could go back to my regular care free routine.
I did pick up some Internet techie skills and some understanding of basic marketing principals, while I was at it, though. One thing that excited me was the art of Copywriting. I had come to think of it as key to getting any success at a web page of any kind at all. But good training in Copywriting is very expensive, and I am not a money machine in anybody’s estimation. But I did pick up some basic skills.
Today I completed my first pretty crumby sales page based on my tiny grasp of web page copy-writing. Because web surfers look for specific things when they do a Google search and because they spend but a few seconds scanning the pages they arrive at in order to determine if the page has what they want web Copywriters make their pages understandable by a quick scan. The gist or theme of the page is placed prominently in the headlines and bullet points in hopes of quickly showing visitors the page has just what they are looking for. They do some research steps to find out exactly what most people entering a specific search term are looking for and make their pages and offers tightly focused on just that..
Well, today I did one of my first sales pages, based on the little I have learned about Web Copywriitng. The headline reads Why Working People Buy The Bobkona Sectional Sofa..and goes from there. If I did just a halfway decent job of it I might get some click through to Amazon where the sofa under scrutiny is available for purchase. The page needs a lot of work yet but it will be fun to see if anybody buys.

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