
Web Content Writers – Discover 5 Easy Steps To Maximize Your Time

It’s Not Easy
As any web content writer already knows, it’s not easy to stay focused when your job centers around the internet. Having to use one of the most notorious distractions as a writing tool can be challenging, to say the least. Keep reading to learn a few tips that can save you time and money.
Self Discipline
I’m going out on a limb to guess that if you’re a writer, self discipline is not one of your strongest suits. If I’m wrong that’s okay too, but then why are you still reading? Hmm? In any case, you’re going to need a little bit of discipline and self control to move forward.
5 Steps
Step 1. Value your time. Most of us do not interchange money and time. For example, consider the homemaker who spends hours each week to save a few dollars on the groceries. He is not valuing his time properly. But you can, starting now. Figure out how much you believe your time is worth per hour.
Step 2. Track your time. Keep a running clock going at all times and spend a couple weeks tracking how long it takes you to complete the tasks on your daily to-do list. Wait…what? You don’t have a daily to do list? Make one. Now.
Step 3. Calculate wasted time. Now add up how much time you wasted during the days you tracked in step 2 and multiply it by the value you figured out in step 1. Ouch, right? Use this as motivation for going into step 4.
Step 4. Unplug. That’s right, unplug. Shut down your email programs, instant messengers, feeds and any unnecessary web pages. Only allow yourself access to the information you need to write the web content you’re currently working on.
Step 5. Be accountable. Decide how long each task should take to complete and time yourself. Just having a ticking clock helps to keep your mind on the task at hand.
During this process, don’t beat yourself up about wasting time or money. Accept these weak spots you’ve uncovered and make a commitment to yourself to work on strengthening them. Realize that every minute you save as a web content writer is money in your pocket. If you can cut the time you spend writing in half, it’s the same as getting a 50 percent salary increase. Congratulate yourself on your successes and learn from the failures without judgment. Okay, back to work. Good luck!

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