
Additional Ways To Help Increase The Number Of People To Your Squeeze Page

One of the main intentions for writing articles is to grow your subscribers. And we know that the probability of math will just take over from here. It’s simple math. The more your number of subscribers, the more the regular source of visitors to your squeeze page. The thing with subscribers is that a lot of them are already solid leads- since they even bothered to subscribe to your articles in the first place.
The tough part is already done. Piquing their interest where many others have failed and is directed to their junk folder instead. Hence, you should already have a sustainable number in clicking on your squeeze page to join your list.
The next step is in sustaining their interest by what you are already doing- giving them what they want to know. Below, I will list 3 easy methods on how you can do just that.
1) Understand your readers
This is the first step to build rapport with your readers. One of the best ways is to empathize with your reader. For example, if you are a motivational coach and your intent is to get people in buying your eBook on how to get the best out of life, start your article by saying how you understand how it is like to be once stuck in a rut and then list solutions to break out of that cycle. A great source of example on this is to visit Anthony Hopkins (one of the most successful motivational coaches known worldwide) website.
What you want to do is to give them a tasting. A solution that works. If they apply your method and is satisfied with it, they will naturally be inclined to want to try out more of your methods.
2) Keywords
Google is the top search engine for a reason. People use it as a problem-solver from mundane tasks to how to convert their currencies to solving love problems. One of the ways to ensure that your article turns out top in Google (or in fact any other search engine) is by inputting in your main keyword by placing your keyword in your title or as close to the beginning as possible. This keyword would be indexed by electronic humans called ‘bots’ or ‘spiders’. The more your keyword is indexed by them, the higher your article rating.
3) Have a Stellar opening article title
An opening title is the one that make your readers decide whether they want to continue reading your article; or not. Think about it, when you flip open the newspaper, articles that makes you decide or not to continue reading is often in the title.
This is a technique used often by tabloid magazines. “Britney Spears is pregnant?” Even though the continuing article may turn out otherwise, they often succeed in piquing the reader’s curiosity, which is what you want to be doing also.
Hope you enjoyed the above article and enjoy using the above pointers.

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