Writing a good headline for your article will determine how well your articles perform. It’s the first thing that people see when viewing the search results for any particular key word phrase. Writing a good headline isn’t as difficult as you might think… and there are so many techniques for doing it.
Here are 5 steps that you can use today in order to create compelling headlines:
1. Make sure that your headline gets straight to the point. You don’t want to throw your readers off by having a headline that takes forever to read and understand. Instead, give them a basic idea of what they will find in your article. Something like, “6 Amazing Ways to Catch Big Bass”. Do you see how that really tells the readers what they can expect?
2. Don’t write lengthy headlines. You don’t want your readers passing by your article when it’s listed on the search results, do you? So make sure to limit the amount of words you use when writing your headlines. OK… So what kind of words work best. How about, uncover, secrets, amazing techniques, etc… You see, these are great for getting the attention of your potential prospects.
3. The next step is probably the most effective step in getting people to open your articles. You’ll need to target their emotions and needs. You see, people act on impulse. I mean… seriously… It’s hard for me to even drive by a local store without wanting something sweet to eat! So use this to your advantage. You’ll be surprised at how well this works
4. The next step is to make sure that your headline is optimized with keywords. How do you expect people to find you if you don’t use the right keywords? You see, article marketers rely on the right keywords to drive their content to the first page of Google or Facebook… once they finish their search engine.
5. Finally, testing your headlines. OK… So you’ve written several articles and published them to the top article directories. Now, you need to find which article headline is performing the best. To do this, just type in one of the keywords you’ve targeted in your articles and see which of your headlines are listed on Google. Testing will be your best friend once you’ve mastered it. Always test new headlines and make sure to stop writing for the ones that don’t perform well.
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