
Spammy Articles Go Away, We’ve Already Read That On A Previous Day

Let’s talk about junk content, aka spammy articles. You see, as a reader I often look to read articles on the top online article directory websites. My favorite articles to read are when the author is not busy trying to convince me of something while merely attempting to sell me something. It seems that most of the “junk” that inadvertently get through on article directory content sites come from “pure article marketers” or those who think they are.
Many of these article marketers have been told to “write lots of articles” so they do, but since they don’t know much about whatever it is they are selling or writing about — remember this isn’t everyone, I am just talking about the junk producers — so they go to WikiPedia and read for 20 minutes and then go online to see what everyone else is doing, then they start writing. Since they don’t know much about that given topic, much of their information and most of their articles are unfortunately similar to others they’ve written and also similar to all the other information out there online already.
In the end there is no value in that, and might I add; no honor in that either.
Indeed, I guess what upsets me as a reader looking for nuance, information, and/or something I don’t know is that I feel like I’ve wasted my time. Worse, sometimes I see many of these “spammy articles” in the search engines too, usually from lower grade websites. The top online directory sites are able to keep the vast majority of the shallow or junk content out of their websites and when they do or if they are able; I applaud that, it must take a lot of work, effort and time.
In the olden days, and trying not to give away my age, there were trade journals with informational articles, if you didn’t know much about that sector, you’d never get your article in, and if by chance you did fool an editor, there would be hell to pay in the letters to the editor trashing whatever you wrote the next month, and that kept people honest.
In today’s world, everyone is a writer and producer of content, but there is little if any control or supervision and very little self-policing, as people throw crap up as if throwing spaghetti at the fridge, and they are happy with pure volume, whatever sticks is enough to keep them happy and unfortunately they keep producing crap because they are getting at least some return for their production of junk content.
What has happened now with so many of these junk articles is that it is ruining the Internet, now nothing worthy is easy to find, and all the debris left by get-rich-quick online marketers is left – on blogs, directory sites, social networks, secondary source media, and yes, in comment sections too. It’s enough to drive someone nuts.
Yes, it is true that people are getting better at filtering what they read just as they have stopped looking at the ads on sidebars, blogs, or YouTube for instance – but it is still too bad the problem permeates these online venues. I am glad to see some of the top article directory sites are filtering this out. We don’t need any more spammy articles – the world already has that information available, it’s already everywhere and thus, it’s not needed by readers, surfers, or the public. Please consider all this.

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