Five years ago, I had a sobering visit with my doctor. My cholesterol was through the roof. I was borderline diabetic. Basically, I was a heart attack waiting to happen. I was also only twenty five years old. That visit put a lot of things into perspective for me. I had known I had a weight problem for years. It affected my self esteem. I stopped dating. Even when women approached me romantically, I would turn them down. I was in bad shape, but had no motivation to do anything about it. Seeing the numbers at the doctors office changed all of that. I cut calories. I started eating more vegetables. I eliminated processed food in favor of lean protein. The weight fell off slowly but consistently. I started walking and began a light weight lifting routine. I began to feel better, and I began to like what I saw in the mirror. Walking turned into running. I increased the intensity of my weight lifting routine. I ran a few half marathons. Each change, each transformation gave me self confidence. Then, I hit the proverbial wall. My fat loss dropped. I even gained back fifteen pounds in spite of increasing the intensity of my work outs. I wanted to expand my athleticism, not lose it. I knew I needed help. I found that help at BurnFatFast-Info –
I have always believed that nothing trumps hard work and discipline when it comes to physical fitness. There are no short cuts. Any website, infomercial, or print ad that claims that people can achieve fitness by simply drinking a shake or taking a pill. It takes dedication. The folks at BurnFatFast-Info – make no attempts at selling a quick solution. What they sell, in my humble opinion, is a hand up. For one thing, a lot of the materials available at BurnFatFast-Info – are work out based. This means that the customer is shown ways to work out smarter and harder. This means that the customer benefits by having his or her workouts streamlined and intensified. I read an article on high frequency training that got my physical development back on the right track. I had some ideas about weight training for women that were outdated and incorrect. I received new information from BurnFatFast-Info – They told me to lift heavier weights, and to life more often. I learned that my fears of becoming too bulky were unfounded. Not only did I build up my long muscle fibers, resulting in a lean sculpted look, I burned fat from my abdomen, hips, lower back, and inner thights. I had never had sculpted abs before. It seems like a small thing, but looking in the mirror, seeing that six pack, and knowing that I had earned it meant a lot to me.
Thanks to BurnFatFast-Info –, I am full of confidence. I date. I seek out social opportunities rather than hiding from them. I truly believe that this website can help anyone at any fitness level.
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