A magnetic personality, whether male or female, provides a visual reflection of your inner confidence or self esteem. It reflects your command of yourself as well as the depth of your self-discipline. But, how do you get there? What do you need to know to transform yourself?
To be a magnetic person involves developing a sensitivity to people and places in our lives and figuring out how we can best interact in a positive way. This may involve the right clothing, makeup, personal hygiene, even how we take care of our homes and vehicles. All these are mere bait to attract the attention of others.
Developing magnetic attraction is necessary for success and for beneficial relationships in today’s competitive society. We must create a total package of eye candy to attract others. This is not manipulation by any means. Personal megnetism can only come from within and be reflected outwardly for it to work. Otherwise it is phony and will be rejected.
Think about the type of people you are attracted to. They are not people who wear wrinkled or dirty clothing, who fail to bathe regularly, who allow their love handles to grow into truck tires, who can’t seem to find a hairbrush or comb, who never clean their fingernails or use a toothbrush. You get the idea. Ugh!
The advertising hucksters sell beauty and magnetism using supermodels with sultry faces and unreal proportions. And that’s just the male models!
They push wrinkle cream for women, hair color for men, designer labels, and expensive cars, all promising to give us what I call – “The Attraction Factor.” If you met the product pushers in person you would find they look just like us and find out that they do not use the junk themselves, except maybe the expensive car, clothes, and jewelry they bought with your money.
No, friends, The Attraction Factor comes from within and will overcome glitz and glamour every time.
Attractive people are just like us but they are people who watch what goes into their bodies, keep their bodies deodorized, and wear age appropriate, yet inexpensive clothing. They maintain an empowered lifestyle with mind-expanding books and engage life in ways that enriches their inner being.
Magnetic people will quickly give their opinions and fight for their favorite causes. Whether handsome or beautiful or seen as dull or plain by superficial people, truly magnetic people outwardly radiate an intelligence and burning curiosity that reflects their inner being. It is how they carry themselves and engage with the world at large. It is why they attract others to them like a baby to its mother.
Magnetic people attract people who need to be connected with them for direction and leadership.
In reality, a magnetic personality is wholeness personified because this type of person is not dependent upon others for validation, rather, others need the magnetic person for validation.
Magnetic people strive daily to be the best that they can be. They understand the wholeness in the interconnection of body, soul and spirit. They develop each facet by expanding their talents and energizing their passions. To superficial people they may look ordinary but, in fact, they lead extraordinary lives. These exceptional people try to have a positive impact on their world and easily expose manufactured magnetism of supermodels and celebrities.
Developing your magnetic personality begins with care of your mind and body. It’s easy, really. It just takes a bit of determination and time.
Here are 7 things to get you started on energizing your magnetic personality.
1. Reading books and magazines lead the list. Focus on what you love at first then expand your horizons by reading on subjects you know nothing about. You will attract and hold the attention of more people when you are able to converse about things they are interested in. You see, intelligence is magnetic, too.
2. Comedy will teach you about what makes people laugh and how to use humor as part of The Attraction Factor. Watch funny videos or go to a comedy club. Go ahead and develop your sense of humor. Making people laugh with you is yet another magnet and valued skill.
3. Yes, you really do become what you eat. Eat fatty foods and you will be a “fatty.” Some folks will still be magnetic even when overweight but this is more about healthy choices. The healthier you are the more energy you have to charge up your inner magnets!
4. There is no magic in a bottle. Good old soap, shampoo and mouthwash are better than all the pheromone sprays, libido boosters, and ridiculous surgical implants. Good hygiene is the nectar that makes you sweeter.
5. You don’t need a tailor to dress to impress but you need to always look your best. If you have ever been caught in frumpy clothes while making a milk run to the corner store, you know what I mean. We have all had those embarrassing moments.
At those times we always see someone whom we don’t want to see us. Was it your boss? Your catty neighbor? An attractive stranger? I vowed to never be in that position again so I dress nicely no matter where I am going.
6. Someone is dying for someone to listen. The most magnetic conversationalists listen twice as much as they talk. They draw people out by asking lots of questions and have developed the ability to listen for hours. Stop and think about this. Is this not true? Don’t you love someone who asks about you and listens to what you are saying or feeling?
7. Finally, think magnetic. Feel magnetic. You can attract what or whom you want to attract. Your body reflects what the mind believes and it sends out body language that is a key element of magnetic attraction. Image coaches charge big bucks for this little tidbit of advice. You just got it for free!
Those are my top seven ways to develop your personal magnetism. There are lots more but these should get you going in the right direction.
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