SEO is required for building a successful campaign online. All online business requires seo for their website to perform best online. In SEO there are hundreds of methods
where we try as much possible to make it Google friendly and post panda and post penguin safe.
In recent times Google updated their website search algorithmn and this has cause millions of site to fall in rankings. How many of them can still live pass the search
engines remain only a few and to be on the page 1 of google is still a tricky task. I have found out a way which works the best for seo and this method is still with social
media. Social media allows people to share post and links to different sites and across different networks.
These networks are also known as social platforms. Next we know that a UP address is unique on its own and we need to so call inform the search engines that these
links are build naturally. So the best way to having a good SEO campaign is to have quality content on your website where people will share them across. Each time they
share, it builds an organic link back to you.
Ignore about the anchor text they put as some may put in your keywords like reach media or seo, but for some they will just put in click here and stuff similar.
With the increase poularity of seo, it is far more competitive than 10 years ago where people still seek their presence in the directories. In fact search engines is actually
a directory but a free directory which with only proper optimization can get you up in the rankings. When we go to engines like google and yahoo, we are actually
searching within their directory.
SEO also comes in the form of white hat seo and black hat seo. Basically, Blat hats means unethical means of optimization and white hat means clean and proper way
of optimization for optimal results. Wikipedia have good explanation over this too. But in simple said, white hat seo last forever and black hat is only a burst of traffic til
google finds out and flush you down the ranks that hits you so badly its hard to recover back in the ranks. For a good quality website design and seo, check out resources of reach media.
Sharing with you a brief iintroduction on a review for a seo software which we partner with
SEO Software maker, Voraccino Software has created a million dollar idea for automated white hat seo. This white hat seo software is unique on its own as its 100% post
panda and post penguin free. I have taken the opportunity to give this seo software a test drive and the results are amazing. I do not need to get various IP address nor
need to go on social platforms. The best part, i do not need to write tons of articles everyday to keep my website afloat of contextual links to my website.
They have brought out this site by the brand name of seomagiclinks. This software has launch its version 2.0 since early this year and has taken the seo market by
The features of the real time seo rankings report is my favourite as i do not need to fill up tons of capchas daily in Google and Yahoo to see what is my rankings in the
search engines. They are localized to the country specific i am targeting and the results are amazing. THey keep a history of the search results and you can see a daily
movement up or down against the previous sample which they have last fetch from the search engines. Keeping people like us into the picture, the software also
automatically send email updates to inform the user about a new seo report has been generated and all reports can be exported out in to pdf format which keeps
reference easy.
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