The internet is filled with websites and blogs that have all kinds of information for the public. Some people don’t see that there is a huge difference between writing blog entries and creating articles with solid content. In this article we are going to show you those differences so that you will know how to tell them apart.
Blog posting is usually written in a more personal level, with anecdotes and more casual content being displayed in most cases. The reader usually sees this kind of post as brief updates on things they have learned and they are sharing them on a short message that is usually between 200/300 words long at most. Still, you can find well structured articles that are written in as little as 300 words too. It depends heavily on the kind of information that is given to the reader.
Blogging allows for more flexibility when you are writing your articles. You should approach blogs seriously enough to gain readers though. Blogs don’t require that you follow a certain format and you can always talk in ways that are more about your experiences and your personal opinions regarding the content. Articles should not be written with this in mind. They should avoid personal input and be more organized.
Article writing is a lot more complex. It requires that you create a very specific structure for your subject. One that includes an introduction and general idea of the contents, then you work on the body of the article and try to include as much information as you possibly can. Articles range from 300 words to 500-600 words usually, but they can be stretched much more than that. The idea with the article is to focus on the subject and not so much on the personal experiences of the reader.
When you write an article you also need to make sure you know how to make it search engine friendly, but this should also apply to your blogging, as this will give you more advantage over other bloggers in the market. Remember that there is a lot of competition out there, but if you know how to create quality content, you will be able to work your way to the top.
These are the main differences between writing articles and blogging. One is more casual and the other is much more specialized and focused on the subject. They both represent an important part of internet marketing and should be taken seriously as essential tools to get more traffic to go to your websites or blogs. There are websites that release dozens of articles daily, some even hundreds, so you should be aware of how much it matters to produce this content on a daily basis in order to be able to compete.
Another important thing to notice is that articles may be picked up by search engines a lot faster than blog posts. This is mainly because articles have richer content in most cases and because there are more words and sometimes images in them, the crawlers give priority to those things. Blog posting can be produced at much faster rates, but quality over quantity will always be the norm. If you create thousands of rambling blog posts, you will still have better chances of climbing the search engine ranks if you have a few hundred quality articles available on your pages.
Now that you know the differences between the two, you can start blogging and creating articles with all those factors in mind. Just remember those things and you should do just fine when creating your content.
Being a Veteran, I appreciate my career working for our military personnel and the Department of Defense. My professional career has been a combination of IT Project Management, Quality Management, and Software and Web Quality Assurance in the private and public sectors.
Since 2005, I have had good successes and some failures building business online. Creating, generating, and sustaining a perpetual income for my family is a big dream of mine. With four kids, I need all the help I can get! Yes, I can see this happening very soon and it’s exciting!
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