Most online entrepreneurs are aware that online sales success is ultimately reliant upon good copy writing skills. When you first start marketing on the internet the initial emphasis is on traffic generation but nothing gets sold until you learn to write effective sales copy.
This particular writing skill is not difficult to learn as long as you adhere to certain guidelines within the content of your copy.
Let’s review a simple 5 step procedure on how to write good sales copy when marketing anything online.
Good Product Knowledge
You can not expect to promote anything to anybody without a thorough knowledge of it yourself. To do so would not only make your promotional efforts more difficult but this would also be unethical. Most all copywriting is done from a standpoint of first hand experience. It is from this experience that you draw both your knowledge of and commitment to the product itself.
Know Customer Profile
The next thing you need and must know is who your customer is. Who is it that is best suited for the product or service you are writing about? Are they male or female young or old? What is their income bracket or is that even important. Is your audience educated or is that not even a factor. Most importantly is why the product you are writing about would even be of interest to them.
Having this information will enable you to ‘speak directly’ to your audience when addressing them. They will be much more receptive if they can personally identify with what it is you are saying.
Know your customer their wants, needs, and reasons and then speak TO them NOT at them.
Speak Benefits Not Features
When referring to the product you will want to stress what the benefits will be to the reader if they make a purchase. What is in it for them or how do they improve their lives by acquiring this product. In so many words why would they even want the product in the first place?
Gain Reader Trust
With all the hype and hoopla people are exposed to on a daily basis it is no wonder that they are in general very skeptical. As a copywriter you have to be able to gain the trust of your readers and all without any personal contact with them. This can be very difficult so what you need to do is offer your customers a ‘comfort’ zone of sorts. This can be done by using product testimonials that are ‘authenticated’ with names, addresses and maybe even pictures.
Another more straight forward approach is to offer a ‘trial-period’ or ‘money-back’ guarantee.
Emphasize Urgency
Remind the reader that the sooner they act the quicker their need will be filled or problem will be solved. Be aware if they don’t act at this point in time they likely may never even be on your site again.
Another way to create a sense of urgency is to throw in a ‘bonus’ for their quick response or perhaps inform them of your ‘limited’ supply. Either way you are ‘prompting’ your customer to make a decision, NOW!
Online entrepreneurs are aware that good copy writing is what gets products sold online. Traffic generation is important for anyone when they first start marketing on the internet but the need to learn to write effective sales copy is crucial. If this writing skill is not developed it will be very hard to close the sale on any visitors to your site. The 5 step procedure we reviewed above is a fundamental guide on how to write good copy that will allow you to increase your sales conversions and boost your online profits.
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