Why is the Internet losing its worth as a source of valuable information?
Because cheap content writers are inundating the web with all kinds of keyword phishing articles – in the guise of actual articles – that present something of value to the reader. In other words, there’s a lot of garbage out there.
Google and the other search engines are now more attentive to “fake” articles, and those “write anything with keywords” articles are not showing up on search pages very often anymore (thankfully).
Here are seven reasons why it’s better to pay a professional web content writer to write content for your website – especially if you want not just more traffic, but more buying traffic visiting your site.
Reason1: You’ve worked hard to get your website up and running. You want people to buy what you are selling. You want people to come in, browse, and stay. When you have content that does all this, things are peachy.
On the other hand, if your web content is difficult to read, has misspellings, grammatical errors, or is just hard to understand, people will leave. This goes for articles, sales pages, blogs… basically anything you have associated with your website that has words in it.
Reason 2: When you pay bottom dollar for articles and other web content, then you get what you pay for. You may be lucky to even get the work on time – if at all. And to get something that is worth publishing? Most of the time, you will have to rewrite the document just to make it readable.
And if you have to rewrite it, why hire someone to write in the first place? Professional web content writers can charge what they do because their work is worth it.
Reason 3: While you may still be able to find a bargain web content writer now, sooner rather than later, they will realize that their work is worth much more. You’ll either need to pay them what they are worth, or chances are, they will sacrifice the quality of their work for quantity and speed.
Reason 4: You can’t build a relationship with someone when you aren’t paying them what they’re worth. No one likes being underpaid and overworked – I don’t, and I’m sure you don’t either. Most of us like being appreciated for the work we do. When we do good work, we expect gratitude in the form of payment. Writers work the same way.
When you underpay a writer, you might get good content the first time – but in the long run, I guarantee that the quality of the writer’s work will deteriorate when s/he realizes that you don’t appreciate the quality of content as much as you are concerned about price.
Reason 5: Traffic to your site isn’t the only key to success. You also need to build a relationship with your customers, and have that relationship be built on trust. Remember that your readers like to be entertained and informed, and if they don’t get that from you, they can easily find a different site. A professional web content writer can write effective web content that will help your business grow.
Reason 6: Your readers need to be able to trust you as a company. If your site has errors in spelling or grammar, you will lose credibility and ultimately, customers. Hiring a professional web content writer will help you avoid this deadly mistake.
Reason 7: Writers who are paid what their work is worth take pride in what they write, and see themselves accurately as craftsmen. Writers who are paid base minimum will see their work as a grind, and they will try to write faster to make more money, sacrificing quality in the process.
The bottom line is this: outsourced writing is like any other investment. Making a business grow does not mean cutting costs just to get cheaper work done faster. This outlook has resulted in the death of many companies. Don’t let yours be a casualty.
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