
Copywriting Fees – How To Set Them

It’s one of the fundamental questions that most new copywriters ask, and it is crucial for any freelancer as not only will this determine his income potential, but also it can either attract clients if it’s affordable for them, but not cheap enough to doubt your skills, or turn away because it’s too expensive. Unfortunately though, there are no fixed rates today for copywriting services. But there are certain factors that most copywriters consider when they set their copywriting fees.
Some copywriting services give out fixed rates by the number of minimum words, and the type of writing job required. Others may charge for the number of hours needed to get the job done. While in some freelance community sites, freelance copywriters pass proposals and bid on copywriting projects. And then there are the established and well known copywriters who offer only package services and charge copywriting fees reaching as much as $25,000 per package. These will commonly include an extensive and long term copywriting service that will deal with multiple marketing tasks like email marketing.
For new copywriters though, it would be best if you charge by the hour. Here are some facets of what you should consider when setting your copywriting fees.
In projects where the time that may be consumed on the project is not foreseeable, charging by the hour is recommended. This is a good form of charging a customer especially if the client would be requesting revisions and changes which can add more hours to the project. Also, when a project is vague, or there are different concepts that are required for the copywriter to produce, you may not be able to determine an exact time frame by the hour for its completion.
Also, you need to set a minimum for the hours that you spend on a project. Some of the aspects required prior to doing a copy may not be included in the hourly billing and these time consuming efforts spent on those preparations may be used for other projects and cause you to lose money if there is no minimum copywriting fees set.
Determine your minimum. This can be difficult to do especially for beginners. How can you assess an hour’s worth of your time? It’s easy to come up with just any figure but you should also consider if you’re worth it. Research on the average copywriting fees that others charge, take the average and see if it will be able to be enough to cover your expenses prorating it to the amount of time you intend to work each day. But make sure that you don’t set it too high, or neither too low.

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