
How To Write Copy That Sells Every Time!

Sales copy can apply to your web pages, sales letters, email promotions, and other marketing materials. It is important to effectively reach your reader through as many mediums as possible. It is important to remember to be truthful and honest in your writing- the best sales copy comes from the business owner, since one knows your business like you do.
1. Create a Strong Headline
Headlines are known to make or break your sale. It must be strong enough to compel the reader to continue reading the rest of the ad or sales copy. A good way to learn how to write compelling headlines is to try to start a collection of other people’s headlines. Make notes of what you liked- did not like- did you want to buy the product or service? Why or why not? There are also several headline helping software packages out there to help even the novice sell like a pro.
2. Create Subheads
With all of the sales propaganda the Internet has to offer- having subheads will help you stand out. Be sure to make them different colors, typeface or size than the rest of the copy. This will allow a shopper to quick skim over the page and know quickly whether your product or service is what they are looking for. Besides- what good is traffic- if you cannot convert them into sales?
3. Create Easy to Read Copy
Just like subheads help separate your business from the crowd, it is also important to include white space, bulleted lists, and some graphics to also help to break up your copy.
4. Create a Benefits List
Writing copy that sells is all about showcasing your benefits to the potential buyer. Whether it is a product or a service, it will be the benefit motivates and persuades the reader that your product will make his or her life easier or better. An easy way to do this is to make a list of all of your features- then list why this features is better than your competitor’s or why it will make you customer’s life better.
5. Create an Elevator Pitch Paragraph First.
Time is money as you always hear. It is important that your customer reads the most compelling benefits first. This will help the customer quickly make a choice and quickly move on to the buying process. Your customer always has the option to continue reading more about your product or service- but if you do not capture their attention in the beginning, many will just click away from the offer never to return.
6. Create Personal Copy
The best ad copy will always sound like you are having a personal conversation with your customer. Keeping your copy in a conversational style will help to engage the customer. Make sure the ad copy answers the most important question in your prospect’s mind, “What in it for me?”
7. Include Testimonials
Many people have differing points of view about whether testimonials increase your credibility with your prospects. Personally if you are going to use testimonials, make sure that it is a REAL testimonial with a full name and website address or city and state. Try to include a photo to increase your credibility. Today many businesses are “buying” testimonials and it is important that your customers know they can trust the testimonial.
8. Proofread.
Always make sure that you set aside the time to proofread the final copy. Put the copy aside for a day or two and re read it. Chances are you will find an error. Good grammar does make a difference in a sale. If you have the budget- by all means- hire someone to do it for you. Today hiring a Virtual Assistant or Proofreader is easy to do and usually worth every dime.
Whether you are writing copy to sign up for your newsletter, hire you, or buy your product it is important to remember to always make your customer think you are writing for them- not for the sale. It is important you let your prospect know that you care about their problem and you have the solution that they need.

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