If you have already started reading this article then either you are in desperate need of effective SEO content or you are an SEO content writer who is determined to write impressive content. No wonder with the increased demand for content writers, there are millions of people who have chosen content writing as their ideal career option and the number of SEO services is increasing manifolds. People are made to believe that anyone who has a knack for writing creative articles can successfully build a career in SEO. This may be partially true, as a strong passion for writing is surely important. However, having a clear understanding of how SEO functions is of prime importance.
Many websites feature quality content and compromise on SEO and some SEO copy writers write appropriate SEO content, but compromise on quality. The online writers fail to understand that they need to impress both the readers as well as rank high on search engine pages and stressing on the former can only make them achieve success in this industry. Although a brand may seem popular in the real world, if its site comprises of un-optimized content then it would surely rank very low and not appear on the first page of major search engines.
Creating SEO optimized content is not a herculean task, but it’s not simple either. First and foremost you need to remember that your content will be read by humans and not machines. Content filled with too many keywords will look like a random list of words which provides no vital information to general readers. Structure the content in such a way that the keywords fit in the content naturally. Balancing between the keywords and information is extremely vital to survive in the SEO race.
The appearance of your content plays a vital role too. Websites have a limited time to convey their message. So, long flowery sentences and large paragraphs should be totally avoided as this may disinterest your reader and diverts his attention to something else. Lastly, proof-read your articles, at least twice before handing them over. Proof-reading and writing is a different task altogether. So, avoid doing them simultaneously.
Many SEO copy writers concentrate on the presentation of the content and ignore the title. However, they fail to understand that the title is the most important of all. Technically, the headline is one of the important aspects as it makes the first and a lasting impression on the reader. The title of your content should be interesting and informative at the same time. Ideally, titles are supposed to consist of 8-10 words. However, the amount can be restricted when it comes to sharing it on social media especially Twitter. Again, catchy and off-beat titles may backfire if they fail to deliver the content they promise. So, use a title which is original and expressive.
To make your content reader-friendly, distribute it with pointers and subheadings or number it appropriately. Pointers are usually catchier than paragraphs. As far as possible, write the information in pointers to convey your thoughts in a better way. If possible, incorporate visuals in your content to make it more likeable, creative and easy to understand. Again, the visuals you use should complement the content and not overpower it. Lastly, make your content shareable and be sure to include major social media channels for greater exposure.
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