Often, the most difficult part of article writing can be to come up with an idea on what to write about concerning your niche. Here are a couple of methods that you can use to get over that hurdle.
1). Head on over to your favorite article directory (hint hint) and go to the category section. Go to the category that your niche and/or product that you are promoting is relevant to. Now click on it and subcategories (or sub niches) will appear. Go ahead and click on a sub niche. Click on any article to see how many times it has been viewed by readers recently. The number of views indicates how many people have some kind of interest in that niche. Of course all directories are not the same but you are basically looking for the most viewed or most popular recent articles. The higher numbers will give you an idea of what people are looking for and you’ll get an indication of how recent these inquiries were. Now, look at what this author is promoting from their bio/resource box. Click on it and peruse through the sales page. Copy the key phrase (the key phrase will be related to the sub niche you chose) and take it over to the product listing company of your choice and plug that keyword into the search box. A bunch of products should come up. Choose a product. Look at the statistics to see if it is converting (that means selling). If it is converting well then this is your topic. Now, start reading, taking notes, and writing. Take advantage now – you have all those sites that are giving out information on your topic right at your fingertips – literally. Go for it! Don’t be fancy or try to correct each mistake just type! It’s all right there. You can edit later.
Now, here’s the deal: use this method on any website that has categories, like: amazon, eBay, MSN, or other search engines. Find out what is selling in your niche or maybe even pick up another niche. Take notes as you go along for information you may need later as you get better at this. Call it your resource list. Here is another method that you can use:
2). Go to Google and type in your niche. Click on “show options” then click on “discussions”. Pick a forum of your choice. Make sure it is relatively recent (last few days or so) and that it is active meaning lots of threads, responses, and views. Pick an interesting thread that meets the criteria and go ahead and click on it. Start taking notes from the responses that you see and soon, after a little tweaking, you’ll have an article to submit.
Again, everything you need is right at your fingertips. The research has been done by the forum members and you didn’t even have to ask!
Learning various methods of finding information is going to help your article marketing efforts tenfold. The methods presented here can stand alone or as additional resources to what you already have. Either way, writing an original content article can be made into a relatively simple process that doesn’t need to be difficult or time consuming.
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