If you are someone that has children even if they are grown, you probably do tell them stories or you remember the days when you use to tell them. If you made up stories or do, why not consider writing those down on paper or on your computer? This might be something that could turn into a way to make extra cash if you were to send them into an online editor or even a publishing company for books and magazines.
Before you start you should do some brainstorming and list the different ideas that you might have that you think could turn into a short story for kids. Some of the best ideas are the ones that come from the things that kids have to deal with on a daily basis. Like a vacation, pets, bugs, dinosaurs, etc. Then write different things that relate to those different concepts or ideas that you wrote down. Once you have done that you can start narrowing down your topics by getting rid of the ones that you don’t think would hold as much interest as the others.
Once you think you have the right topic you will need to make characters. These characters need to be likable as well as believable. This way your readers will enjoy your story or stories. The best way to create a character is to base them on someone you really know. Just don’t make any description of them too recognizable or you might make the people you are using as basis for your characters angry.
You will need to add some sort of conflict to the story. Conflict keeps the story interesting. Your character will need conflict so that there is a problem to be solved by the end of the story. You will need to make several different steps that your character has to take in order for them to reach the end of the story. This should include the different attempts to solve their problem or conflict as well as including any setback and any of their successes. Your character will also need to meet other characters along their journey that they can interact with, get help from or even be part of the problem. You can’t make the problem solving task all that easy for the main character. It needs to be some sort of a challenge.
If you are planning on sending this into some sort of editor then you need to make sure that your format is a manuscript and that it is done correctly. You will need one inch margins on each side and top and bottom. You should use the Times New Roman font and make sure that it is set at the size of 12. You should also double space the body. You will need to have the title on the first page, then in the upper left hand corner at the top you need to include your name, your address, phone number and your email.
Make sure that all of the pages after the first page have headers. The header should include the title, your last name and the page number. Once you are done typing up your article or story you should make sure that you check for all incorrectly spelled words and improper grammar. Let someone else read it over as well, sometimes a second set of eyes can see things you may have missed.
Once you are sure that it’s ready to go, you can then put it in a large envelop and make sure to include a cover letter that explains your story and include a self addressed stamped envelop so the editor will be more willing to respond to your story submission.
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